Chapter 938 Love and Hate
Compared to Gong Chen and the others' warm welcome to Si Kou Yao, the arrival of the Qingjue Shangxian was silent.

He hid aside, watching Si Kou Yao and Gong Chen talking and laughing happily, seeing the confidence and beauty flying between her brows and eyes, he could only feel a warm touch flowing in his heart.

This girl is indeed a person who can do great things.

She can carry it clearly and let it go. She knows what she should do and what she wants at any time, and she will not lose her sense of proportion or lose her way.

It is both his happiness and his misfortune to have such a lovely daughter in this life.

Happiness is that he has such a good daughter. Unfortunately, he left so early, presumably even if he left, he would be extremely reluctant, right?

Leng Qingjue sighed, and then teleported to the Si Kou Palace in Datang to have a look.

When he saw that the Si Kou Hall was built exactly like the Si Kou Hall on Earth, he understood Si Kou Yao's thoughts even more.

This girl, the person she misses so much is still her palace lord father!
The more she was like this, the less Leng Qingjue dared to show her face in front of her.

Now that he's here, let him do something for the girl!

Leng Qingjue quickly set up a large formation around Lingxi Mountain to protect the mountain, and set up a huge formation for gathering spirits.

All the formations he used were fairy stones, at least they could protect the mountain protection formation and the spirit gathering formation for thousands of years.

After completing these two large formations, Leng Qingjue left only a trace of spiritual thoughts, and ran away in a blink of an eye.

When Si Kouyao and Xiao Chifeng came here, they were originally thinking that they would build the mountain protection formation and spirit gathering formation on the fifteenth day, and they could open the mountain gate on the sixteenth day tomorrow.

Unexpectedly, when they got here, they discovered that someone had already done this for them.

Moreover, the mountain protection array and spirit gathering array built by this person are definitely a thousand times more perfect than what they built.

Who is this?How can such a big handwriting, such a great ability, build such a mountain-protecting formation and gathering spirit formation that are comparable to immortals?

Si Kouyao quickly found the eye of the array and also found the answer.

As soon as she touched her eyes, the spiritual thoughts left by Leng Qingjue were displayed in front of everyone like a holographic image.

"Little girl, this is a small gift from Uncle Leng. I hope you like it! You are great now, and your achievements have far exceeded my and your father's expectations. Don't be proud. Don't be proud. Keep working hard, and when you cultivate the golden body of merit, you can ascend to the fairyland. I believe that we will not meet for too long, and we will wait for your reunion in the fairyland, and we will meet some time later!"

Si Kou Yao stared, just like that?
This Uncle Leng is really too hateful!
Since he's here, why doesn't he meet her before leaving?
Even if it's just to say a few words to her!
But he just left, she was really mad at her!Mad at her!Mad at her!

After Si Kouyao got angry, she quickly asked the system Xiaoxiao to send a message to Leng Qingjue, "Uncle Leng, where are you? Don't leave! I want to talk to you!"

This time, Leng Qingjue returned super quickly, "Yaoyao, I have seen you, and I know you are doing well, so I am relieved, I have returned to the fairy world, as I said, your father and I will be together Immortal world is waiting for you, keep working hard!"

After Leng Qingjue finished speaking, no matter what messages Si Kou Dian asked Xiao Xiao to send, he stopped replying.

Si Kou Yao really loves and hates him.

(End of this chapter)

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