Chapter 942

Xiao Chifeng said to him forcefully, "I said you can, and you can!"

Gong Chen nodded vigorously, "Yes! I can! I can!"

He silently added a few words in his heart, "If I can have your support and encouragement, even if I can't, I will do my best to fight this old life!"

Everything in the branch hall is ready, and the personnel are in their positions.

Tomorrow is the day when the gate of Si Kou Palace will be opened, and there will be countless guests coming to congratulate, everyone can imagine how busy it will be.

Gong Chen was worried, and checked it himself. After confirming that it was correct, he went to bed with peace of mind.

Si Kouyao also remembered her friend from the other plane—the little lady of the Tang Dynasty.

This time, Si Kou Yao also invited her to the mountain gate opening ceremony.

When the little lady of the Tang Dynasty knew that Si Kouyao was the Yaoyao fairy who had caused a lot of trouble recently and was well-known in the whole continent, she couldn't help exclaiming, "Oh my God! You are really a blockbuster if you don't make a song! Could it be that the last time you When you said you wanted to find me, you already came to Datang?"

Si Kouyao replied with a smile, "Yes! At that time I wanted to find you, and later I met an old friend, and I had something to deal with urgently, so I went back first, thinking of looking for you next time, but every time The last time I came here I was in such a hurry that I couldn’t take care of it, now it’s all right, my Sikou branch hall has been built, and I can finally invite you to come and have a seat.”

The little lady of Datang said happily, "I will definitely be there! Please send me the coordinates!"

Si Kou Yao sent her the coordinates of Si Kou Dian, and said with a smile, "Then I'll sweep the couch here to welcome you!"

The little lady of Tang Dynasty also smiled and replied, "Okay, I am also looking forward to meeting you, so that I can admire Fairy Yaoyao's peerless demeanor."

Si Kou Dian laughed angrily and spat, "Are you laughing at me again?"

The little lady of Tang Dynasty also laughed, "I dare not laugh at you, to be honest, I really admire you very much, you have powerful abilities that are enviable, you can cross planes, you can have magical fairy Home spells, these are not comparable to those of us mortals! Tell me, can I not envy you?"

Si Kou Yao asked in surprise, "Haven't you also had the system for a long time! Didn't you buy the cultivation method from the plane store to practice?"

The little lady of Tang Dynasty sighed softly, "Oh, don't mention it, why didn't I buy it? I bought a lot of it, and almost all the plane coins I earned were spent on it. But, my body is not up to date, and I Maybe it's the kind of natural useless physique, whether it is spiritual cultivation or martial arts, it doesn't work at all, I have thought of many ways, tried them all, but they all don't work, there is no way, I can only accept my fate!"

Si Kouyao could hear the helplessness, melancholy, loss, and regret in her words.

She clearly has Baoshan, but she has no way to own it. She understands this uncomfortable feeling very well.

Si Kouyao comforted her softly, "Don't worry, as the saying goes, there is no unparalleled road, maybe one day you meet a noble person, and the problem will be solved!"

When the little lady of Tang Dynasty heard her words, her eyes lit up suddenly, "Fairy Yaoyao, maybe you are the noble person I was destined for! Oh, let me stop, I have to pack up quickly, so that I can see you noble person soon Fairy, see you later!"

Si Kouyao watched this brisk and agile woman log off the line quickly, and couldn't help shaking her head and smiling wryly.

Birds of a feather really flock together, and people are divided into groups. Her friends are basically straightforward men and women.

(End of this chapter)

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