Chapter 943

This young lady of the Tang Dynasty is no exception, and she is also a straightforward woman.

Speaking of which, after knowing each other for so long, Si Kouyao and this young lady of the Tang Dynasty really don't have a deep friendship.

Usually, they trade some things with each other, and most of them are purchased by the little lady of Tang Dynasty from her plane store for modern items.

However, Si Kouyao also found out that she had stayed in the Tang capital for so long, but she really didn't find anyone using modern things.

She also felt a little strange. Could it be that the business of the little lady of the Tang Dynasty has not come to the capital for so many years?

So where did all the modern items she purchased go?
Over the years, she has purchased quite a lot. It is impossible to use all of them by herself, right?

Although she was a little puzzled, Si Kouyao didn't think about asking. After all, everyone has their own secrets, so it's not good to ask too much.

the next day.

The day when Si Kou Dian opened the mountain gate finally arrived.

The Sikou Hall on Lingxi Mountain is majestic, simple and solemn, with carved beams and painted buildings, and decorated with lanterns and festoons everywhere. In the majesty and solemnity, there is a festive atmosphere.

From entering Lingxi Town, on the entire road leading to Lingxi Mountain, colorful flags embroidered with the words of Sikou Temple were hung on both sides and fluttered in the wind.

In front of the large square in front of the gate of the Sikou Palace, which can accommodate thousands of people, there was a huge crowd of people early in the morning, and countless people went up the mountain early to occupy seats, all wanting to witness and witness the opening ceremony of the Sikou Palace with their own eyes.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of the opening ceremony of the Sikou Hall, Gong Chen also specially applied to Emperor Xu to transfer a group of imperial guards here to maintain order.

With the imperial guards here to maintain order, the common people did not dare to mess around, so they could only follow the pre-planned place of Sikou Palace and enter it to watch.

Gong Chen, as the branch master of the Sikou Hall, personally led five personal disciples, Ye Tianling, Dong Xihe, Huo Zhiyuan, Xu Jinlai, and Xiao Bobi, to greet the guests at the gate of the mountain.

Xiao Yu'er, Xiao Lingdai, Gong Yu, and Gong Qing are all young disciples, so they are accompanied by four little babies, staying with Si Kouyao and Xiao Chifeng.

Si Kouyao, the main hall master, wants to maintain a sense of mystery, and she still has to be the big shot at the finale, so naturally she can't appear so early.

But her mental power was released, covering the entire Lingxi Town, monitoring the surrounding movement.

When Miss Datang appeared in Lingxi Town, the system elf Xiaoxiao notified Si Kouyao, "Master, the coordinates of Miss Datang have appeared."

According to the coordinates, Si Kouyao put her mental power there and looked over.

Sure enough, he saw a gentle and beautiful young woman flying towards Si Kou Dian in a hovering speed car with an invisibility talisman added.

Her facial features are delicate and delicate, she is the kind of woman who is not very stunning at first glance, but becomes more interesting the more she looks at it.

Si Kouyao looked at her bone age again, she was 25 years old, her hair was in a bun like a married woman's, and there was only a jade hairpin inserted obliquely on her head, which was extremely simple.

Even the clothes she was wearing were ordinary cotton skirts.

Judging from her appearance, it is really impossible to see that she is a lucky person with a system against the sky.

This little lady of the Tang Dynasty is really low-key!

Si Kouyao suddenly thought of the rich man in the modern south. Many rich people like to wear slippers, a T-shirt and shorts, and just stroll around like this. No one knows that that person is worth over [-] million.

It is estimated that the little lady of Tang Dynasty is also such a low-key big shot!

(End of this chapter)

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