Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 948 The sensation caused by opening the mountain gate

Chapter 948 The sensation caused by opening the mountain gate

"In addition, I would like to expressly thank our Emperor. Without His Majesty's strong support for our Sikou Hall, our Great Tang Sikou Hall would not be able to be established. Please accept my gift!"

Si Kou Yao bowed and bowed to Emperor Xu.

Emperor Xu hurriedly got up and gave her a salute, and said repeatedly, "I am ashamed of what the fairy said! Si Kou Dian can establish a mountain gate in my Tang Dynasty. .”

The other civil and military ministers who came to participate in the ceremony also echoed Qi Qi, "Your Majesty is right, it is the blessing of us Tang Dynasty people that the Sikou Palace can be built in our Great Tang!"

"you do not say!"

"Your Majesty is right."

Si Kou Yao smiled again, and continued, "The purpose of establishing the gate of Si Kou Dian is to pass down the legendary method of cultivating immortals in the Tang Dynasty, and to let more common people receive the blessings of our Si Kou Dian." Grace and care have made the common people healthier, their lives better and their future brighter.”

"As the chief hall master of the Sikou Palace, I hereby promise to everyone that after the opening of the Sikou Palace, there will be free medical consultations and free medicines for the common people on the first and fifteenth day of each month."

Everyone applauded again!
They all said that Si Kou Dian was too benevolent.

"Now I announce that the Great Tang branch of Sikou Palace is officially established! Open! Mountain! Gate!!!"

The voice of Si Kou Yao's spiritual energy resounded throughout Lingxi Town.

Not only the people from Sikoudian cheered loudly, but also the people from Lingxi Town cheered happily.

There were gongs and drums everywhere, and the people of Lingxi Town organized a lion dance team to celebrate the establishment of Sikou Hall.

Sikoudian can establish a mountain gate in Lingxi Town, and every one of them in Lingxi Town feels honored!Feel honored!

People can be heard talking about Si Kou Dian and Fairy Yaoyao all over the town.

And what Si Kou Yao said when he opened the mountain gate was quickly spread.

The common people are even more happy when they hear that there will be free clinics on the first and fifteenth day of every month.

In the future, they no longer have to worry about having no place to see a doctor, or having no money to buy medicine.

Moreover, what makes them most happy is that no matter how serious the illness is, it will be cured by Fairy Yaoyao at hand!

There is another more exciting thing, that is, Si Kou Dian has opened the mountain gate and is about to recruit disciples.

I heard that children from Lingxi Town can take the test first. If they pass the examination, they can directly enter the Sikou Palace and become a disciple of the Sikou Palace.

While everyone was discussing endlessly, the guests of Si Kou Palace also started to have a banquet.

All the food and wine on the table are spiritual food.

The guests who came to participate in the opening ceremony, whether they were princes or nobles, ministers of civil and military affairs, or major leaders in the Jianghu, held up their wine glasses and were reluctant to put them down.

After drinking the wine, they pick up the chopsticks and eat the meat again, like a hungry ghost reincarnated. It's really, really delicious, so delicious that they can't control the prehistoric power of wanting to eat it!
They asked one by one during the dinner, "What kind of meat is this? Why is it so fragrant? So fresh? So tender? So delicious?"

"What kind of fish is this? This soup is so delicious that people want to swallow their tongues..."

"And this barbecue is too, it's so fragrant! It's so delicious!"

(End of this chapter)

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