Chapter 949 Queen Xiao's Gift
"It's so delicious! If I can eat this kind of food every day in the future, I will die without regret."

"Bah, bah, bah! It's such a happy day, what do you say that you can't die? There are so many delicious foods, but you can't stop your big mouth!"

"Hey hey, I'm sorry, my mouth is too fast, my mouth is too fast..."

"But to be honest, I really want to eat such delicious food again, especially this wine... Tsk tsk tsk, I have lived for dozens of years, and I have never drank such delicious wine. This drink, It's addicting!"

"Me too! I'm afraid I'll be thinking about drinking this wine every day in the future!"

Before leaving, the guests, who were full and full of food and drink, received another big gift bag from Si Kou Dian, which contained a bottle of spiritual wine, ten catties of spiritual fruit, ten catties of spiritual meat, and a health-preserving pill .

The guests were so happy that they couldn't close their mouths from ear to ear, and said that the people in Si Kou Dian are generous, benevolent and righteous, and they must have more contacts in the future.

Even the ordinary people who went to watch, each of them received a gift of life spirit fruit.

Many people who didn't show up at the scene regretted it when they found out, why were they so stupid and didn't think about going to the show?
After the vigorous opening ceremony of the Sikou Palace attracted the attention of countless people, it finally came to a successful conclusion.

Si Kouyao and the others finished their work, and when they returned to the backyard, they were too tired to talk.

Xiao Lan still held Si Kou Yao in high spirits, and called the four little ones, saying that she wanted to show them the presents she gave them.

Xiao Lan took out the whole statue of Yaoyao made of lavender colored glaze from her storage ring, and placed it in front of everyone.

When everyone looked at the lifelike portrait of Fairy Yaoyao, who looked like a real person, they were stunned!
Si Kouyao was used to seeing good things, but when she saw this life-sized glass statue that was lifelike, she was still extremely amazed.

"Oh my god! It's so beautiful! How did you make it? Empress Queen, you must have guessed that I am Fairy Yaoyao early in the morning, right?"

Xiao Lan said with a smile, "I don't have the ability to predict the future, we are just very curious about Fairy Yaoyao. When you first came to Datang, the news spread to our Liuli Kingdom. At that time, our lord king intended to invite you You go to our place as a guest. We also made this glazed statue in advance at that time, and we will give it to you as a gift when the time comes. I just didn’t expect that there would be such a coincidence that we are friends! So, I hereby The gift will be given to you in advance! How is it? Do you like it?"

Si Kou Yao nodded, "Thank you, I like it very much!"

Xiao Lan said again, "I also have a series of matching glazed products here, take a look, do you like them?"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Lan took out a series of very exquisite and gorgeous glazed products from her storage ring.

Liuli dolls, Liuli flower pots, Liuli pendants, Liuli decorations, Liuli flowers, Liuli pots, etc. The exquisite craftsmanship makes every piece of Liuli products so exquisite and perfect that people can't put it down.

If these glazed products are sold in modern times, many people will like them, right?
Si Kou Yao sighed softly, "It's so beautiful! Queen, empress, isn't your colored glaze country rich in these colored glazes?"

Xiao Lan nodded with a smile, "Yes! The specialty of our Glazed Country is colored glaze and these colored glaze products. Fairy, do you like our colored glaze products?"

(End of this chapter)

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