Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 952 Make up your mind to rely on her

Chapter 952 Make up your mind to rely on her

After finishing speaking, Xiao Lan immediately stood up, knelt down to Si Kou Yao without hesitation, kowtowed three times and bowed nine times, "Master, please accept my disciple's bow!"

Generally, direct disciples call themselves "disciples", but if the relationship with named disciples is a little less, they can only call themselves "disciples".

Now Xiao Lan only wants to have a relationship with Fairy Yaoyao, and now that Si Kouyao is willing to accept her as a registered disciple, she already feels like a pie in the sky, she is very happy.

The two of them have the status of master and apprentice, whether it is passed down personally or by name, anyway, Xiao Lan is determined to rely on her boss, Kou Yao. In the future, as a disciple, she will ask the master for help, so the master will not ignore her. ?
Si Kouyao stretched out her hand to help her up, and teased her deliberately with a smirk, "That's all right, all right, don't be too polite, since you have become my registered disciple, you must be obedient and obedient in the future!"

Xiao Lan hugged her arm tightly, and said with a flattering smile, "It is necessary! The master told me to go east, but I will never go west; the master told me to go south, I would never go north! The disciple promises to be obedient. obedient!"

"You! You are not young, and you are still so naughty."

Si Kou Yao gave her a helpless smile, then asked her, "Are you in a hurry to go back?"

Xiao Lan looked at her suspiciously, "Master, is there anything else?"

Si Kou Yao said to her, "If you have nothing else to do, then stay in the temple for a few more days, and wait for No. 18. You will worship the ancestors with those new disciples, and you will go back after worshiping the ancestors. If you If you have something to do, you can go back first, but NO.18, you still have to hurry back."

Xiao Lan thought of the man at home who was nervous about her, if she came out for a day, he might already be worried.

Xiao Lan hurriedly said, "Master, I'd better go back first, and I need to explain to my husband what happened here. Anyway, I have a hovering car, and it only takes a few hours to go back and forth. I should be able to come back in time to worship the ancestors." .”

Si Kou Yao nodded, "That's fine. Anyway, just don't miss out on NO.18 worshiping the ancestor. Lan Lan, let me tell you, if you don't make it back in time to worship the ancestor, I won't accept you as a registered disciple gone."

The founder of Si Kou Temple is her father, the hall master.

Her palace lord, father, is the person she respects, loves, and loves the most.

All the disciples who got started had to pay homage to her father in order to truly gain her approval.

After Xiao Lan heard this, she immediately assured her with a serious face, "Master, don't worry, even if you use crawling, I will definitely crawl over."

Si Kou Yao was amused by her and laughed out loud, "Okay, okay, if you want to leave, go quickly! I'll take you out!"

Si Kouyao sent Xiao Lan to the door, Xiao Lan looked at her reluctantly and said, "Master, then I'm leaving!"

Si Kou Yao waved at her, "Be careful when you go back at night!"

Xiao Lan nodded vigorously, "Well, I know, I will use the invisibility talisman so that no one will find me."

Xiao Lan summoned the flying car from the storage ring, sat on it, pasted the invisibility talisman on it, waved at Si Kou Yao, and flew away in an instant.

Si Kouyao turned back to the room, met Xiao Chifeng's inquiring gaze, and said with a wry smile, "My disciple is getting more and more..."

Xiao Chifeng reached out and stroked her head gently, "Yaoyao, don't put too much pressure on yourself, you have worked hard enough, just do your best, if you are exhausted, we will be the ones who feel sorry for you..."

Si Koudian grabbed his hand, pressed it against her face, and rubbed it lightly, "I know! I will take care!"

(End of this chapter)

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