Chapter 953 Can Destiny Change?

January eighteenth.

On this day, the weather is beautiful, the wind and the sun are beautiful.

Si Kou Dian officially recruited disciples, and once again attracted the attention of the world.

Early in the morning, the large square in front of Si Kou Hall was once again crowded with people.

This time, all the people who came to participate in the entrance examination of Si Kou Hall were between the ages of 6 and 18.

Some are ordinary people in ordinary linen or cotton clothes, and some are young princes in brocade and expensive clothes.

But no matter who you were before entering the Sikou Palace, you will be treated equally and accept the same rules and standards for entry assessment after you arrive at the Sikou Palace.

The chief examiner in charge of this first assessment is Gong Chen.

In addition, Ye Tianling, Dong Xihe, and Huo Zhiyuan, three direct disciples of Si Kouyao, accompanied the invigilator.

Si Kouyao, Xiao Chifeng, and the four little babies sat on the sidelines and watched them participate in the entrance examination.

Gong Chen first explained the classification of Sikoudian disciples to those who participated in the assessment: handyman --- outer disciples --- inner disciples --- core elite disciples --- personal disciples --- management.

Then, Gong Chen told them about the relevant regulations of the assessment.

The first hurdle of the entry assessment is to test the spiritual root.

This first round of assessment basically wiped out [-]% to [-]% of the people.

The second level: take the gravity ladder.

The higher the person climbs, the stronger his perseverance and endurance, even if he has no spiritual roots, he can be recruited into the Sikou Palace and become a disciple of martial arts.

The third level: breaking through the magic array.

The phantom array is to test the xinxing of each disciple, and can clearly see the character hidden in a person's subconscious.

Those who can successfully pass these three levels can directly become inner disciples.

If you can only pass one or two of these three tests, you can only become an outer disciple.

After observing for a period of time, the outer disciples who perform well can be assessed as inner disciples again, and if they pass the assessment, they will be officially converted from outer disciples to inner disciples.

If the inner disciples are excellent, they will be promoted to the core elite disciples, who can receive key training in the palace.

After listening to the regulations that Gong Chen said, the people who came to participate in the assessment were both excited and nervous.

Can their fate change?It's all about today.

"Let's start testing the spirit root."

Ten test spirit stones are placed on it, and ten people go up to test at a time, and the test is quite fast.

Those who detected the spiritual roots immediately cheered and smiled.

As for those who were found to have no spiritual roots, some broke down and cried on the spot, and some even suspected that there was something wrong with the spiritual stone test and asked for another test.

But if you don’t have a spiritual root, you just don’t have a spiritual root. If you use another spirit stone to test it, you still don’t have a spiritual root. This is a natural ability. Without you, you can only accept your fate.

A small examination room can also see all kinds of life.

The same is true for the second and third hurdles. The truth, goodness, beauty, fake, evil and ugliness of human nature are also revealed in each competition.

Just like a big wave washes away the sand, what remains is gold after the sand is removed.

More than 5000 people participated in the assessment, but at the end of the night, only 360 people were selected.

Of the 360 ​​people, only 150 have spiritual roots.

The others are martial arts disciples who have no spiritual roots but are tough-minded and have passed the last two tests.

For this result, Gong Chen was a little uneasy.

But Si Kouyao said to him, "This result is already very good. If these more than 300 disciples can really be trained well, it will be a very powerful force."

(End of this chapter)

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