Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 966 The little princess was born, a golden body of merit

Chapter 966 The little princess was born, a golden body of merit
"Mum, look, look, the little sister is so cute, she moves wherever I poke, hahaha..."

"Really? Let me try..."

"Oh, it's true! Mommy, it's amazing! Hahaha, our sister must be a smart, cute and beautiful little baby..."

"That goes without saying! For sure!"

Si Kouyao watched with a smile as the four big babies interacted with the little one in her belly, and they were having a great time playing. There was also a warm and happy smile on the corners of her beautiful lips.

As Si Kouyao's belly got bigger and bigger, Xiao Chifeng's nerves became more and more tense.

Seeing that he treated her like fragile porcelain, Si Kouyao felt nervous that she would break if she touched it, so she couldn't help making fun of him, "I said, A Chi, are you pregnant or am I pregnant? How do you compare?" Am I still nervous as a pregnant woman?"

Xiao Chifeng looked at her helplessly, "I'm worried about your pregnancy every day, and I lost a few pounds because of worrying. When you give birth, I will be sterilized, and we will never have another one."

Si Kouyao also felt that having five children was enough, "Okay, I don't want to have another child. When the little one is born, we will have sons and daughters, and I am satisfied."

Xiao Chifeng nodded repeatedly, "That's right! Having sons and daughters is enough."

Si Kou Yao's due date is November 11.

As soon as November entered, Mr. Xiao, Grandma Xiao, Xiao Dingtian, Zheng Yiling, and the four big babies didn't go anywhere. They stayed with Si Kouyao every day, waiting for the little baby to arrive.

The Xiao family's little baby seemed to know that everyone was looking forward to her arrival, and before the due date of delivery, the little guy started making a fuss about coming out early in the morning of November 11th.

As soon as Xiao Chifeng saw that Si Kouyao was in pain, he hurriedly got the medical experts who had already been in place to get ready to welcome the birth of the little royal princess.

This child is very well-behaved, and he came out obediently without tossing Si Kou Yao for long.

At the moment of her birth, the entire sky was filled with dazzling golden rays of merit.

Xiao Chifeng stayed by Si Kouyao's side all the time, so he naturally felt the changes in the vision of heaven and earth.

He was about to tell Si Kou Yao about this, when he saw a golden light of merit, covering Si Kou Yao and the newborn child.

He could clearly sense that this golden light of merit was transforming Si Kou Yao's body.

The members of the Xiao family who were guarding outside, as well as the medical staff in the house, were all amazed when they saw this vision from heaven.

Mr. Xiao laughed even more, "When the four big babies were born before, the four dragons came out together. This time the little baby was born, and it was a vision from the sky. It seems that our little baby is also a What an extraordinary character!"

Grandma Xiao also narrowed her eyes with a smile, "Isn't that right! This girl is a lucky girl at first sight!"

Xiao Dingtian and Zheng Yiling also smiled and nodded frequently.

When the golden light dissipated, Si Kouyao said to Xiao Chifeng excitedly, "Ah Chi, my meritorious golden body finally succeeded! It succeeded! It succeeded!"

Xiao Chifeng smiled and said to her, "Our little princess has also been honored by you, and has a body of merit and virtue. In the future, her fortune and luck will be deeper than others. What a surprise, happiness is added to happiness." !"

Si Kou Yao also laughed, "Today is really a good day!"

Xiao Chifeng held her hand and kissed it gently, "Yes, today is a good day!"

(End of this chapter)

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