Chapter 967 Too Rare
Si Kouyao pushed him again, "Hurry up and bring the child here for me to have a look."

Xiao Chifeng hurried out of the outside room, and was about to ask the medical staff, when he saw that the medical staff had already brought the clean little princess to him, "Mr President, look, how beautiful the little princess is! She looks really good with Madam!" Like ah, like coming out of a mold, when she grows up, she will definitely be a great beauty who can overwhelm the country..."

Xiao Chifeng took the baby girl carefully and took a look. Looking at this pink and tender face that looked very similar to Si Kou Yao, he suddenly felt his heart soften in a mess.

Since the aura is absorbed in the womb to replenish the body, the whole body of the baby is full of watery energy when it is born, it is white and tender, completely different from the red and bright appearance of ordinary children at birth.

Xiao Chifeng carried the baby into the delivery room with a strange expression on his face, and said to Si Kouyao happily, "Yaoyao, look, how cute our little baby is, it looks so much like you! Hahaha... "

Si Kouyao took the little princess, looked at her small face that looked like her own, and looked at her bright black eyes with bony bones, her eye sockets suddenly became hot.

This is the real, flesh and blood little Si Kou Yao!

Si Kou Yao cautiously leaned forward, kissed her pink and tender little cheek, and greeted her foolishly, "Baby, I'm Mommy, do you know?"

The little princess seemed to understand her words, and she grinned innocently, making Si Kou Yao and Xiao Chifeng even more rare.

Not to be outdone, Xiao Chifeng grabbed the little princess's hand and shook it, "Baby, I'm Dad, call Dad quickly..."

Si Kou Yao was so teased by him that she burst out laughing, "You are stupid, she was just born, how can she know how to call her father?"

Xiao Chifeng smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't know how to yell, teach her a few more times, and yelling will be faster in the future, don't you think? Baby..."

The little princess grinned again...

So funny that Xiao Chifeng couldn't help wrapping the two of them in his arms, kissing and kissing again and again, "This little baby is so rare!"

The little princess played with her parents for a while, and then her little head began to arch toward Si Kou Yao's chest.

Si Kouyao pushed Xiao Chifeng away a little, "The child is hungry, I'll feed her some milk first, you go out and talk to grandparents, parents, and the four big babies first!"

Xiao Chifeng rubbed her head, "Okay, I'll go out for a while and come back in later."

Si Kou Yao nodded, picked up her clothes, performed a cleaning technique to clean her body, and then hugged the little princess and fed her.

Si Kouyao looked at the little princess in her family, and once again thanked God for her kindness in her heart. It was such a coincidence that when the child was born, she had cultivated a golden body full of merit.

When the merit was delivered that day, it happened that the child was also infected with the golden light of merit, and transformed her body together with her.

With the golden light of merit to protect her body, this little baby in her family must be very lucky in the future, and she doesn't have to worry about the future of the little baby.

Si Kouyao thought, it must be another great god in the sky who is taking care of their mother and daughter, right?
She really guessed right.

Although she has made great efforts to cultivate the golden body of merit, the timing of this promotion will be so timely. Isn't it because the ancestor Hongjun above the Nine Heavens is taking care of her.

Ancestor Hongjun looked at the happy family in the lower realm, and then said to Si Kouyu in the soul-raising bottle...

(End of this chapter)

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