Chapter 968

"You brat, why don't you wake up soon, look, how much happiness you have missed in this sleep, don't you feel regretful?"

Si Kou Yu's soul trembled in the soul-raising bottle, as if he was trying hard to wake up, but he still didn't have enough strength, so he fell silent again.

Ancestor Hongjun sighed softly, "Xiao Yu, you have to work hard, your little girl misses you every day, misses you, don't you have the heart to make her sad and let her down?"

Si Kou Yu's soul trembled violently again, as if to say, no!I can't make Yao'er sad!I can't let Yao'er down!I want to wake up, I want to wake up, I want to wake up...

But in the end, he was still powerless and fell silent again.

Patriarch Hongjun sighed softly, and poured his divine power into the soul-raising bottle.

With the nourishment of the divine power of ancestor Hongjun, Si Kou Yu's soul became more solidified.

Ancestor Hongjun finally comforted him, "Don't worry, just take good care of her, I will help you take care of her..."

Si Kou Yu's soul trembled, revealing a trace of gratitude.

Although he can't wake up now, he can only respond to external things with the obsession and subconsciousness in his soul.

A big Luo Jinxian blew himself up, and his soul can stay, which is already a miracle that only the ancestors can do.

But how can it be so easy to recover?
Although it is not easy, as long as you are alive, there is hope!
However, it will take some time!
Huatian Empire.

The news that the president's wife is happy to add a little princess was announced through the media, and the whole country celebrated with joy.

Si Kouyao also posted a set of cute pictures of the little princess on Weibo, which immediately aroused the exclamation and shouts of countless people.

"As expected of the President and his wife's seed, it's so cute and cute!"

"I really want to take the little princess home!!!"

"She's so beautiful at such a young age, and when she grows up, she's an incredible beauty!"

"Little princess, please marry me!!!"

"Upstairs is shameless, fuck off!!!"

"That's right, the little princess is also what you can imagine???"

"Oh, we are such a beautiful little princess, what kind of man will we marry in the future?"

"I also really want to know, what kind of man can pass the assessment of the President, his wife, and the four little princes, and successfully embrace a beauty?"

"Hahaha, those upstairs, you think too far ahead, don't you?"

"That's right, this little princess was just born, and you all thought of when she got married, hahaha, she is really more worried than the President and his wife..."


Because of the sudden birth of the little princess, all major forums sparked heated discussions one after another. Si Kou Yao's Weibo about the little princess was also directly sent to the headlines.

Leaders of various countries also called to congratulate the President and his wife on their daughter, sons and daughters, and good luck.

The little princess, held in the palms of the family and cared for, is smiling sweetly...

The four big babies looked at their sister, their hearts were so soft, they scrambled to reach out to Si Kouyao, "Mommy, let me hug my sister!"

"Mommy, let me hug! Let me hug!"

"Mommy, let me do it! I can hug!"

The dark-bellied fourth child didn't say anything, just snatched the little princess from his mommy, picked it up and ran away, "Hahaha, little baby, I'll take you to play!"

The boss, the second child, and the third child realized that the fourth child was running away with the little princess in his arms, and shouted in unison, "Fourth child, stop!"

(End of this chapter)

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