Chapter 971 Where's My Dad?
However, Mr. Xiao also knew that if Xiao Chifeng really wanted to leave with Si Kouyao, then these old people had to stay here to take command.

Otherwise, Huatian Empire has no leader, who knows what will happen?

Even if Xiao Chifeng wanted to leave, he had to find a good reason, and he couldn't just say that he went to the fairyland.

He is now the President of the Huatian Empire, and his every move attracts attention. If everyone knows that he has entered the Immortal Realm, they will definitely be suspicious. Everyone says that the Immortal Realm is good, so if the President enters the Immortal Realm, will he come back again? Come back?

Suspicion together, people's hearts in chaos, coupled with caring people making trouble, nothing will turn into trouble at that time.

This result was not what they wanted to see.

After a family discussion, all matters in Xiao Chifeng's hands were handed over to Xiao Dingtian.

Si Kouyao took Xiao Chifeng, and the five treasures, four big and one small, to the fairy world.

After the affairs of the family were arranged, Si Kouyao explained to Mu Tingyu about the affairs of Si Kou's palace, and declared that when she was away, Mu Tingyu would temporarily act as the master of the palace and handle the affairs of Sikou's palace with full authority.

In the past few years, most of Si Koudian's affairs have been handled by her senior brother.

Although Mu Tingyu was envious of Si Kouyao's ability to ascend to the fairyland so quickly, he also sincerely congratulated her.

After all, who among ordinary people can have such a great opportunity like Si Kou Yao, and have so many noble people to help each other!

Now that Mu Tingyu has Tang Tiantian, he also feels that life is very warm and happy. He also feels that there is nothing wrong with living like this for the rest of his life.

As for his junior sister, she is destined to be a figure who can stand shoulder to shoulder with the sky just like the master.

The earth is just her starting point.

Sooner or later, she will spread her wings and fly high!
Si Kouyao also prepared a lot of spirit beast meat and other ingredients needed by each Juewei workshop, and handed them to Jinlong. Even if she was not around, these ingredients would be enough for a year.

The same goes for the jewelry company that Tang Liu is in charge of.

Si Kouyao also left him a large number of emeralds, jewelry, and those exquisite glazed artworks.

After arranging all this, the next day, Si Kouyao and Xiao Chifeng took five treasures, bid farewell to the reluctant Mr. Xiao, Grandma Xiao, Xiao Dingtian and Zheng Yiling, and flashed into the space.

At this time, the space teleportation array leading to the fairy world has been opened, and the plane coordinates of the fairy world, Leng Qingjue, has already positioned them.

They can directly pass through this space teleportation array to reach the Space-Time Management Bureau where Leng Qingjue is located.

This is also the special right that he, the top person in charge of the Space-Time Administration, can travel to and from various planes at will.

Si Kouyao placed Xiao Chifeng and five children in the space.

She herself went directly to the deserted space-time administration through the space teleportation array.

Leng Qingjue, who had been waiting for Si Kou Yao's arrival, saw the ripples in the space, and Si Kou Yao appeared in front of him instantly.

As soon as Si Kouyao saw Leng Qingjue, she jumped up and hugged him, rubbing against him vigorously, "Uncle Leng, I miss you so much!"

Leng Qingjue's body froze, and then he pretended to be unbearable and gently pushed her away, and said with a smile, "You girl, you talk sweetly when you come up, it's really disgusting..."

Si Kouyao giggled, and then asked him, "Uncle Leng, where is my father? Where is he?"

(End of this chapter)

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