Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 972 Who Can Not Be Afraid Of The Patriarch?

Chapter 972 Who Can Not Be Afraid Of The Patriarch?

The smile on Leng Qingjue's face froze for a moment, and he quickly realized that he smiled at Si Kouyao, "Let's go! I'll take you to meet the ancestor Hongjun first. When you see the ancestor, you will know that your father where is it..."

Leng Qingjue said this, originally it was just a tactic to slow down the army, he never thought that Si Kou Yu was indeed not dead, and was indeed taken in by the ancestor Hongjun to be raised in the ancestor's palace.

Not only was Leng Qing never aware that Si Kou Yu was still alive, but even the entire Immortal Realm thought that Si Kou Yu had already died in that self-destruct.

Si Kou Yu was dead, and he and Princess Si Luo died together. The Immortal Emperor naturally had nothing to say when someone died.

But what if the Immortal Emperor knew that Si Kou Yu was not dead and was still alive?
If Si Kou Yu didn't die, but his daughter died in his hands, and his wife was killed by the ancestor because of Si Kou Yu's incident, the Immortal Emperor would really be able to kill his daughter and wife. Can you swallow it?

Is it because everyone can't swallow it?
What's more, this person is the immortal emperor who controls the life and death of all immortals in the immortal world.

Even though Si Kou Yu's family is protected by the ancestor Hongjun, the ancestor can't protect them all the time, can he?
If this one is not careful, both Si Kou Yu and Si Kou Yao may become cannon fodder for the Immortal Emperor's subordinates.

This is also the reason why Patriarch Hongjun never told anyone that Si Kou Yu was still alive.

As the guide and supervisor of the way of heaven, the ancestor Hongjun also wanted to test the good and evil in their human nature.

Which should go?Which should stay?
The answer lies in their own thoughts!
Before going to the ancestral hall above the Jiuchongtian, Si Kou Yao also summoned Xiao Chifeng, the four big babies, and the little princess from the space.

Leng Qingjue looked at her helplessly, "You are so capricious! If something happens, I'm afraid it will be too late for you to regret it!"

At this time, Xiao Chifeng replied from the side, "Even if something happens, we will stay with her!"

The four big babies also said in unison, "Our family will be together forever!"

The little princess grinned and smiled happily...

Leng Qingjue looked at the Qixin family, and could only raise his hands in surrender, "Okay, okay, I convince you, let's go, let's go, don't make the ancestor wait..."

Then Si Kouyao summoned the air speeder with a smile, and asked the deserted to go up first, and then took the whole family to sit on it.

Following Leng Qingjue's guidance, he flew directly towards the Ancestral Hall above the Nine Heavens.

In front of the ancestor hall.

A male fairy boy who looked about twelve or thirteen years old stretched his neck and looked forward, as if waiting for someone to arrive.

When seeing Si Kou Yao's flying car appear, the male fairy boy grinned, "It's here! It's finally here!"

At this time, Leng Qingjue also pointed to Si Kouyao and Xiao Chifeng the quaint palace floating in the void in front of them, "Look, that is the Ancestral Palace! Ordinary immortals have no chance to enter. After you enter, But be careful, don't anger the ancestors, and then you will be unable to eat and walk around."

Si Kouyao gave him a sideways look, "Uncle Leng, are you so afraid of Patriarch?"

Leng Qingjue glared at her, "Nonsense! In the entire world of immortals and gods, ask me, who is not afraid of the ancestor? If he is unhappy, he can wipe you out of this world with just a quick touch. Do you understand?"

Si Kou Yao smiled and said, "As far as I know, the ancestor is a very fair person. Ordinary people, his old man will definitely not treat him like this, unless those people who don't have long eyes offend his old man's rebellious scales. , he is an old man who will be cruel, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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