Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 995 If You Can't Be Soft, Let's Be Hard!

Chapter 995 If You Can't Be Soft, Let's Be Hard!
Si Kou Yu came out of the Hades Palace, narrowing his eyes slightly.

Since soft ones are not enough, we can only fight hard with them!

With evil spirit all over his body, Si Kou Yu went straight towards the imperial palace of Western Ghost Emperor Zhao Wenhe.

On the side of the imperial palace, there are still a few ghost messengers guarding the gate of the palace.

Although Si Kou Yu was angry in his heart, he did not lose his mind.

He is alone now, isolated and helpless, the more he is like this, the more calm he must be.

Si Kou Yu restrained his whole body's energy, concealed his figure, and quietly guarded the gate of the imperial palace, waiting for the opportunity to make a move.

After waiting incognito at the entrance of the imperial palace for about an hour, he finally saw a middle-aged ghost messenger in the uniform of the imperial palace walking out of the imperial palace, followed by two little devils.

Seeing his appearance of walking like a crab, looking arrogant and defiant, Si Kou Yu knew that this middle-aged ghost messenger must have a high status in this imperial palace.

It should be rewarding to start with this middle-aged ghost.

As expected by Si Kou Yu, when the ghost messengers guarding the gate of the imperial palace saw the middle-aged ghost messenger coming out, they immediately nodded and bowed to him respectfully, "My lord, are you going out? "

"My lord, are you going to meet Miss Liu Hong again?"

This middle-aged ghost messenger is Bao Ao, the general manager of the Western Ghost Emperor's Palace.

Bao Ao is a typical villain.

He is good at deceiving others, has a glib tongue, and is tactful in handling things, which won Zhao Wenhe's favor.

Zhao Wenhe let this Bao Ao do all the bad things that were not convenient for him to come forward.

Besides Zhao Wenhe, Bao Ao is the boss in this western imperial palace.

As the saying goes, the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked.

Zhao Wenhe, the master of the Western Imperial Palace, is a flirtatious ghost, and this Bao Ao has followed suit.

In the Baihua Building in the Ghost Realm, he hired Liu Hong, the number one gorgeous ghost, to spend a spring night with her every now and then. This was a good thing, and it took many years.

Even the ghost emperor Zhao Wenhe asked him, "Bao Ao, since you like that Liu Hong, why didn't you bring her into the mansion?"

But Bao Ao laughed and said, "Dijun, don't you often say that a wife is worse than a concubine, a concubine is worse than stealing, and stealing is worse than not being able to steal! The little one likes this kind of stealing, hehehe..."

Zhao Wen and the romantic ghost instantly understood.

He also kindly gave Bao Ao a vacation so that he could go out to meet Liu Hong in an open and above board manner.

Bao Ao won the favor of his master, and became more defiant and reckless.

At this time, when Bao Ao heard the guards of the palace gate making fun of him, not only was he not annoyed, but he laughed loudly, "That's right! Let's go for a beauty, hahaha..."

Seeing Bao Ao leaving in a haughty way, the ghost messengers still said enviously, "If only one day we could be as carefree as Master Bao Ao..."

According to the agreed time, Bao Ao arrived at Baihualou leisurely.

Liu Hong, the number one brand in Baihualou, had been washed and scented early in the morning, waiting for his arrival.

"Master Bao, you are here!"

As soon as Bao Ao saw Liu Hong's seductive and alluring appearance, he rushed forward anxiously, "Master Liu Meiren, I miss you so much..."

Si Kou Yu, who had been hiding on the side all the time, didn't want to see their live erotic palace, so he directly cast an illusion on Liu Hong, making her think that he was still having sex with Bao Ao.

She hugged the quilt by herself and kept "hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm) up all by myself, which made the two kid guards outside the door blushed.

Bao Ao was stunned by Si Kou Yu, and he threw it directly into the storage ring, and then searched his memory.

(End of this chapter)

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