Chapter 996
From this Bao Ao's memory, Si Kou Yu discovered that the news told by the unscrupulous shopkeeper was really accurate!

Nalanyan was really imprisoned by the ghost emperor Zhao Wenhe in the backyard of the imperial palace.

Zhao Wenhe also asked Bao Ao to take good care of her and not neglect her.

Bao Ao then sent a few ghost messengers to watch over her and not let her go out.

But Na Lanyan can tell Bao Ao directly if she needs anything.

Bao Ao will also report back to Zhao Wenhe depending on the situation, and he will do it for her with Zhao Wenhe's permission.

Si Kou Yu also saw Na Lanyan's current appearance from Bao Ao's memory.

She is still so soft, so gentle, so heart-warming.

Her expression was indifferent and calm, as if no matter of great importance could arouse waves and interest in her heart.

But Si Kou Yu found that there was a trace of sadness between her brows.

Si Kou Yu was so distressed that he wanted to hug her, and he wanted to reach out his hand to wipe away the sadness on her brow, "Yan'er, wait for me, I'll come to pick you up right away..."

Si Kou Yu counted the time when Bao Ao and Liu Hong had an affair.

When it was about the same time, he used the phantom god ring to transform into Bao Ao's appearance, and walked out swaggeringly with a satiated appearance.

The real Bao Ao was left in the storage ring by Si Kou Yu long ago.

When the two little ghosts guarding the door saw "Bao Ao" coming out, they hurriedly smiled flatteringly, "Sir, why did you come out so quickly today? Why don't you stay with Miss Liu for a while?"

"Bao Ao" raised his chin haughtily, squinted at them and said, "This woman! You can't spoil her too much. When it's time to do it, we can do it. When it's time to go, we can't stay too long. It's a good thing. Enough is enough, you understand?"

The two servants hurriedly flattered and gave "Bao Ao" a thumbs up, "Understood, understand, your master is better than you! No wonder Liu Meiren likes you so much..."

"of course."

"Bao Ao" walked out with a terrified expression.

The two little ghost followers also hurriedly followed.

After leaving the gate of Baihua Building, "Bao Ao" said to the two little ghost followers, "Earlier, the emperor ordered me to make some clothes for Miss Nalan. Let's go, let's go to Jinxiu Pavilion first."


"Bao Ao" went to the Jinxiu Pavilion again, bought a few sets of expensive costumes on the spot, and then returned to the imperial palace in a big way.

Wherever "Bao Ao" passed by, all the ghost messengers in the imperial palace nodded and bowed to him, this flattering ghost can be seen everywhere.

"Bao Ao" still had that defiant look, and went directly to Nalanyan's residence in the backyard with the newly bought clothes.

The little devil guards guarding Nalan Yan's place, when they saw "Bao Ao" coming, they hurriedly saluted, "Master Manager, you are here!"

"Bao Ao" asked, "Where is Miss Nalan? What did she do today?"

This is a question that Zhen Baoao often asks, and the little ghosts are not surprised that he would ask such a question, and they can't see anything unusual about this fake Baoao at all.

One of the leading ghost messengers hurriedly replied, "Miss Nalan is still the same as before. After she got up, she embroidered grass there and didn't go out. She was very quiet..."

"Bao Ao" hummed softly, "Okay, you guys go down! Master go in and have a look!"

Zhen Baoao likes to call himself "Master" in front of these little ghosts, and put on airs. Seeing the little ghosts nod and bow to him, he feels very happy, very happy, very happy.

The little ghosts almost bowed their heads and sent off "Bao Ao" in front of them respectfully, "My lord, please! Please! Please!"

(End of this chapter)

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