Poison doctor witch

Chapter 1824 Romance 1

Chapter 1824 Romance 1
Looking into Zi Qing's eyes on weekends, he was confused for a moment. For the first time, he felt that he couldn't understand a person.

Being able to become the number one rich man in the Xuanming Continent on the weekend has an absolutely unusual vision for people, but now, he can't understand the person in front of him, he doesn't even know what kind of medicine is sold in the purple gourd.

In fact, this time I was thinking too much about the weekend.

Zi Qing didn't want to take advantage of him, it was really because of his arrogance before, and the fact that he made people take the initiative to do something before, in her opinion, the enemy of an enemy is a friend, that's why she said such a thing.

However, now, it seems that the weekend has misunderstood. If this is the case, then use the original price.

"Since that's the case, just two hundred million taels of gold!" Zi Qing didn't expect her to make a concession once in a while, and it would have the opposite effect, which made her not know what to say.

"Three hundred million taels of gold, make a friend!" After Zi Qing finished talking, he spoke on the weekend. He didn't want to take advantage of anyone. If he could use one hundred million taels of gold to make an alchemy master, it would definitely be a great blessing!
After finishing speaking on the weekend, Zi Qing didn't respond. An extra [-] million may be a very large income for others, but for her, it is nothing.

"Okay!" This time, it was not Zi Qing who spoke, but Mo Ranchen, who came out from the side under Zhou Zhou's surprised gaze and stood in front of Zhou Zhou.

Originally, they wanted to make friends with Weekend, but now, Mo Ranchen has backed down!
A person like Zhou weekend is too proud and self-centered. Once he is out of his control, there will be absolutely no good fruit to eat. However, if he follows his wishes, then life will be very good.

But now, Zi Qing's unreasonable play of cards made him a little overwhelmed, which was also the reason why Mo Ranchen played his cards unreasonably.

"Two hundred million taels of gold, paid with one hand and delivered with the other, from now on, there will be no relationship at all!" Mo Ranchen then added a sentence, but this sentence made Zhou weekend frown.

His original intention was not like this, he promoted Qian in order to make friends with Zi Qing, but now, it seems that everything is out of his control.

"What if I refuse?" How could he miss such an alchemy master? At this moment, he even regretted what he said earlier.

The alchemist had already sent him an invitation, but he actually refused. If he could, he really wanted to slap himself.

"Okay!" Mo Ranchen said the word "Okay" again, and after the word fell, he pulled Zi Qing forward.

They were just thanking for some weekends, not wanting a hot face and a cold butt. It was his business to refuse, and it was not that the pills in their hands could not be sold.

Furthermore, they are not short of money, so Mo Ranchen is not happy with this attitude on weekends!
"Master, do you need me to stop them?" The guard beside Zhou Zhou watched Zi Qing and Mo Ranchen leave, but after Zhou Zhou didn't respond, he opened his mouth.

"No need!" It's not that he didn't want to stop him, but he didn't dare to stop him. Alchemy masters like Zi Qing are very proud. After refusing again, there is no room for change.

"Alas..." A faint sigh came from Yuan Yuan, "Your Excellency Zhou, you really missed it!" Although Zi Qing and Mo Ranchen's tempers had not been in close contact, Yuan Yuan still knew about them!
(End of this chapter)

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