Poison doctor witch

Chapter 1825 Romance 2

Chapter 1825 Romance 2
Zi Qing and Mo Ranchen are different from others, they will not compromise, nor will they do things that are not in line with their usual behaviors in order to cater to others!

Before, Zi Qing had lowered his stance and was willing to make friends with Zhou Zhou, but how could he know that Zhou Zhou actually refused, and he was still so outspoken, he looked anxiously from the sidelines.

If it was him, he would definitely agree without saying a word. No matter who is taking advantage of whom, the relationship must be confirmed first.

It's a pity that the weekend was too self-righteous. In his opinion, all things should be controlled by him, not Ziqing, so he missed an opportunity, the most rare opportunity.

"Yuan Yuan, why do you think she wants to make friends with me?" At this moment, Weekend was a little confused, he didn't know why Zi Qing was in such a posture.

"Probably because of your previous performance!" Yuan Yuan, as a businessman, naturally has his shrewdness. Going towards the alliance of the world.

He saw all the performances on the weekend. From the perspective of others, there may be no reason for doing this on the weekend, but in the eyes of Zi Qing and Mo Ranchen, he did it to help them. In some In terms of things, they didn't need to come forward at all, and they had already spoken out for them on the weekend.

The reason why Zi Qing took the initiative to tell the weekend probably stemmed from this!
It's just that I was too guarded against people on weekends, so I missed this opportunity, a rare opportunity!
If time could be restarted, if there was regret medicine in the world, Yuan Yuan would definitely take a regret medicine, but unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world, even if he wants to regret, there is no way to do it!

"Alas..." This time it was replaced by a weekend sigh, and he didn't expect it to be the same.

How much he longed to make friends with alchemy masters. Although there were alchemists in his team, there were absolutely no alchemy masters, let alone those who could refine life-death pills.

If you miss it, you miss it, even if you want to save it now, you can't get it back!

"Your Excellency Zhou, what do you think of their relationship with the Tianxiameng?" Yuan Yuan regards Weekend as a great Buddha. If he can make friends with him, he will definitely benefit a lot. So, now, he might as well give Weekend some advice. Bright way.

"Relationship?" Hearing Yuan Yuan's words, Weekend raised his eyebrows, apparently not expecting Yuan Yuan to say such a thing, but he quickly thought of the meaning of Yuan Yuan's words.

"Thank you, Yuan Yuan!" Weekend patted Yuan Yuan on the shoulder and strode forward to the place where he was staying.

When smart people talk to smart people, there is no need to say much, and sometimes even a look is all it takes.

On the weekend, he thoroughly understood the meaning of Yuan Yuan's words. Next, he was going to make a good plan. It just so happened that he couldn't understand Tianxiameng's behavior either.

"Qing'er, the Tianxiameng must be in a hurry right now, I'll take you to a place!" After walking out of the auction house, Mo Ranchen had a strong smile on his lips.

Yuan Yuan will definitely broadcast the scandal of the Tianxiameng, so that people in the whole continent can see it clearly. In addition, those people in the auction house showed their experiences. During this time, the Tianxiameng will be very busy. In addition, In the picture stone, Zi Qing also specifically mentioned that place - the forbidden area!
(End of this chapter)

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