Poison doctor witch

Chapter 2656 What a good means 6

Chapter 2656 What a good means 6
"Ah? So poisonous?" Although Ouyang Feifei can't be invulnerable to all poisons, she still has a certain resistance to ordinary toxins. Pour the bottle in hand.

"Of course!" Zi Qing gave Ouyang Feifei a look that you understand.

"Then... I still don't want it!" Between choices, she still chose to give up. It is really unsafe to put such a poisonous thing on her body. If one day, she accidentally touches it, she will cry to someone.

"Definitely don't want it. If you don't want it, I'll put it away!" Zi Qing gave Ouyang Feifei the poison. Although it was poisonous, it was not as scary as Zi Qing said. Poisoner.

"Wait!" Ouyang Feifei felt that if she missed this opportunity, she might not be able to get the poison again in the future.

She likes poisons, but with her strength, she can't refine poisons at all, not to mention poisons, even pills, she can't do it.

Therefore, when she heard Zi Qing say the word "use poison", she would have such a reaction.

"My lord, is it really poisonous?" If it was really too poisonous, then she really wanted to give up.

"Poison is certain, but you have to hold it!" Although Zi Qing's words were vague, but such a shrewd person as Ouyang Feifei, she immediately heard the meaning of Zi Qing's words, and immediately held the bottle and did not let go.

"Your Majesty, you are so kind!" Ouyang Feifei smiled and hugged the bottle as if embracing the whole world.

ho ho ho ho...

At this time, in the stillness of the Yebugui Forest, suddenly there was the sound of a beast's roar, and the entire Yebugui Forest was vibrated with such a loud voice.

"Your Majesty, the evil beast has moved!" Ouyang Feifei's expression changed, and her eyes were full of fear.

Although Ci Qizhi had told her before that the evil beast was very powerful this time, she did not expect it to be so powerful. It was the roar of the beast that gave her the urge to run away. What can I do then?
The most important thing is that Ci Qizhi didn't tell her what weapon Zi Qing should use when confronting evil beasts?
"I know!" Ouyang Feifei wasn't the only one who felt the movement of the evil beast, perhaps the entire **** in the forest that never returned at night felt the huge power of the evil beast.

"Did you feel Mo Shuanghan's breath?" Zi Qing felt that the first thing they had to do was to find Mo Shuanghan, because only he could end all this.

"No!" Ouyang Feifei mobilized the power she could mobilize to investigate Mo Shuanghan, but to her disappointment, she didn't find Mo Shuanghan's aura at all.

"Could it be that you're not in the Forest of Never Returning?" Ouyang Feifei can detect all evil forces, as long as there is evil energy emanating, she can feel it, but now, she has nothing but the evil breath of evil beasts .

"It should be in the Yebugui forest, but maybe he didn't practice evil skills!" Although she had never met Mo Shuanghan, Zi Qing believed that with Mo Shuanghan's intelligence, he would never be too far away from the evil beast .

Once he left the evil beast, he couldn't control the overall situation.

"Could it be that breath? But, isn't it right?" After hearing Zi Qing's words, Ouyang Feifei was surprised.

"What breath?" Zi Qing knew something was going on when he heard Ouyang Feifei's words.

(End of this chapter)

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