Poison doctor witch

Chapter 2657 For my son 1

Chapter 2657 For my son 1
"Demon energy!" Just now, she sensed the existence of magic energy, but she automatically ignored it. Now, after being told by Zi Qing, she realized what she had missed.

"Demon Qi?" Ouyang Feifei's words made Zi Qing stunned, obviously he did not expect the existence of Devil Qi, "Could it be that there are demons joining?"

Wait, the topic they talked about just now doesn't seem to be the case.

In a flash, Zi Qing knew the reason!


Mo Ranchen also has it in his body. At first, they wondered why there was a devilish energy in his body. Now it seems that the devilish energy came from Mo Shuanghan.

"Where?" Once you've found the source.

"Cough, cough..." Ouyang Feifei obviously didn't realize what she missed. Before, she felt the magic energy, but now, it seems that there is no more. Is she playing Ziqing?

"What's wrong? You won't tell me, now, this devilish energy is gone, right?" Don't tell me, Zi Qing is telling the truth.

"My lord, you are smart, and this guess is accurate!" Ouyang Feifei gave Zi Qing a thumbs up, her eyes full of admiration.

"Don't be poor, hurry up and search for this devilish energy. The source of this devilish energy is probably the Mo Shuanghan you mentioned!" Zi Qing looked at Ouyang Feifei angrily.

Ouyang Feifei chuckled, and after finding that Zi Qing was not angry, she started searching again, wondering if Mo Shuanghan was joking with her, or something, again, she didn't get anything.

"My lord, I'm sorry, I didn't find it!" Ouyang Feifei looked at Ziqing helplessly, she really didn't know that Mo Shuanghan was the source of this devilish energy, if she knew, she would never miss it.

"It's okay, I found it!" Zi Qing's strength is indeed not as strong as Ouyang Feifei's, but her divine sense is much stronger than her. In addition, she has the blood of gods and demons in her body, which can sense the existence of demonic energy.

"Ah?" Hearing Zi Qing's words, Ouyang Feifei was stunned. At this moment, she completely forgot the fact that Zi Qing was carrying the blood of god and demon.

At the same time, Mo Shuanghan also noticed that someone had glanced at his existence, but he didn't pay any attention to it. In his opinion, as long as he entered the Night Never Return Forest, then everything was under his control.

However, there are always surprises, such as Zi Qing!
Ouyang Feifei followed Zi Qing in amazement, and couldn't believe Zi Qing's speed.

This speed, if she hadn't exhausted all her strength, I'm afraid she really couldn't keep up, but, you must know that Zi Qing's strength is weaker than hers.

With such strength, it actually made her out of breath. Is this still human?

At this moment, Ouyang Feifei realized why Zi Qing is the lord of their Buddhist world. Everything she has shown now is enough to make her kneel down.

"Huh? Someone can actually find out where I am, haha..." When Mo Shuanghan noticed that Zi Qing and Ouyang Feifei were coming towards his place, a smile appeared in his eyes, but, this smile, No matter how you look at it, how scary.

"Feifei, wait for you to adjust accordingly. This person is not easy to deal with, and his strength is at the Qing level!" Zi Qing signaled Ouyang Feifei to protect herself. Just before, Qilin sent her a voice transmission, telling her that Mo Shuanghan's The strength is probably already at the Qing level.

"My lord, how do you know?" Although she didn't have any doubts about Zi Qing's ability, how did she know his level.

(End of this chapter)

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