Poison doctor witch

Chapter 2660 For my son 4

Chapter 2660 For my son 4
"Do you know Mo Ranchen?" Suddenly, Mo Shuanghan seemed to realize something, and he saw a trace of tension on Zi Qing's face.


When this word passed through his mind, Mo Shuanghan realized why he had the idea that he shouldn't do anything to Zi Qing just now. If she really knew Mo Ranchen, he really couldn't do it.

If it was just acquaintance, then Zi Qing would not show nervousness when hearing his words. Obviously, the relationship between them is unusual.

After hearing Mo Shuanghan's words, Zi Qing's face flushed slightly. She was still a little younger, and when faced with Mo Shuanghan's questioning, she couldn't be calm anymore.

This blushing is enough to explain everything.

Mo Shuanghan looked at Zi Qing, a look of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

He was satisfied with everything that Zi Qing had shown before, and if there was really a relationship between them, then he would be happy to see it.

"I know!" Between denying and admitting, Zi Qing chose to admit, since everything Mo Shuanghan did was for Mo Ranchen, would he give up everything here for Mo Ranchen?
After all, seeking skin from a tiger is not a long-term solution.

"What's your relationship?" It was Mo Shuanghan's turn to ask, and when he asked this question, he suddenly became a little nervous.

"Uncle!" Zi Qing didn't say it bluntly, but this uncle is enough to explain everything.

"Did he also come to the outer world?" At this moment, Mo Shuanghan's voice was trembling.

This change of Mo Shuanghan made Ziqing and Ouyang Feifei feel strange, especially Ouyang Feifei, the moment she saw Mo Shuanghan appear, she rang the alarm.

Although she didn't doubt the authenticity of Zi Qing's words, the Qing-level venerable still irritated her a little. However, when she saw him, she felt that Zi Qing's words were still a bit conservative.

Where is the venerable of the green rank, but the peak of the venerable of the blue rank, it is only one step away from entering the lord of the blue rank.

However, now this person is trembling when speaking, obviously, it is because of him in his mouth, and that he obviously knows Zi Qing and has a very close relationship.

No wonder, Lord Fozi said, the key point of everything lies in Zi Qing, and now it seems that it is [-]% true.

Based on Mo Shuanghan's current attitude, he is going to offer Zi Qing like a treasure.

"Here he is, but I don't know where he is, and I can't get in touch with him!" Mo Shuanghan's question made Zi Qing a little surprised. Could it be that he didn't know that Mo Ranchen had also come to Outworld.

If he didn't know, why did he open up a world for him in the Outlander?

"Why can't I get in touch? Is there any problem?" Hearing Zi Qing's words, Mo Shuanghan felt nervous for a while. Although he knew that there would be no problems with the ability of ink to dye dust, he still couldn't help it. Worry.

"It shouldn't be a big problem. It's probably because there was a problem during the teleportation!" As a contracted person, she naturally knew that Mo Ranchen was fine, otherwise, she wouldn't have stood up so well.

"Does he know about me?" Mo Shuanghan couldn't turn his head at this time. He didn't listen to what Zi Qing said before, otherwise, he wouldn't have asked like this.

"I don't know!" If Mo Shuanghan wasn't Mo Ranchen's father, Zi Qing would have rolled her eyes at this time, but unfortunately, now, she can't, she can only answer honestly!
(End of this chapter)

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