Poison doctor witch

Chapter 2661 For my son 5

Chapter 2661 For my son 5
"Uncle, if you are in the company of monsters, then..." Zi Qing didn't go on with the rest of the sentence, but the meaning was already obvious, even a fool could understand what she meant, not to mention Mo Shuanghan not stupid.

"I know what you mean, but if I want to give up now, I can't do it!" Yes, he can't do it. He has planned for so long, and he is really reluctant to give up. After leaving Mo Ranchen, he wanted to give Mo Ranchen a better future.

"I know you did this for the sake of the dust, but have you ever thought about the feeling of the dust? It's not nice to talk about being in the company of monsters. Besides, Ranchen doesn't know that you do this now. It's for him!" When Zi Qing said this, Mo Shuanghan was taken aback.

Indeed, Mo Ranchen didn't know what he was doing now, if he knew, he would probably stop it!

However, he had no choice. Since he had already taken such a step, he had no chance to repent. Even if he repented, it was already too late.

Although the matter has not spread completely, and it is only in the forest that does not return at night, the development of the matter is no longer under his control.

"Now I have no way to change the situation. I can only ensure that you leave safely!" This is all he can guarantee, and there is nothing else he can do.

"Uncle, you can tell me, what kind of future do you want for Ranchen? The future is created by ourselves, not by others. Besides, you don't know the future of Ranchen. He wants What.

And is there any change in the dusty future? "The last sentence, what Zi Qing asked was the key, she felt that Mo Shuanghan had something that he didn't say.

Zi Qing's series of words made Mo Shuanghan slightly stunned, but he did not expect Zi Qing to be so vigilant.

Indeed, he did this because he knew what problems Mo Ranchen would encounter, and this problem was related to his life, otherwise, he would not have been like this.

"It's better that you don't know!" This matter is related to Mo Ranchen. Even if he knew that Zi Qing had something to do with Mo Ranchen, he would not say it casually, and now, it is Zi Qing who is talking about it alone. get ok.

Although, he felt that it was impossible for Zi Qing to lie to him, but it is necessary to be on guard against others, and it is better to be on guard.

"Uncle, I'm afraid I don't know that Ranchen and I have a natal contract. If I'm not careful, then..." Zi Qing's words were not a threat, but telling Mo Shuanghan a fact.

As a natal contracter, if something happened to her, Mo Ranchen would also be hurt.

And as soon as she said this, Mo Shuanghan's face suddenly became very ugly, the contract of life!
He never thought that Zi Qing would enter into a natal contract relationship with Mo Ranchen. The natal contract relationship is closely related. If either party dies, the other party cannot live.

"So, can I know what Ranchen will encounter?" Zi Qing didn't want to force Mo Shuanghan to speak out, but she knew that if she didn't say so, it would be absolutely impossible to know from Mo Shuanghan's mouth. Things she wants to know.

"You should have discovered the demonic aura in my body!" It's not a question, but an affirmation. Since she knows that Zi Qing and Mo Ranchen are in a contractual relationship, no matter what, she does have reason to know that Mo Ranchen's future will happen What!
(End of this chapter)

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