Poison doctor witch

Chapter 2732 King's Road 4

Chapter 2732 King's Road 4
Although Zi Qing didn't know why Jinghua Shuiyue sent her here, and wanted to become the king of this world, but, one thing, she believed that after this time of tempering, in the future, no matter what happened again, she would feel It's a trifle.

The road to the king must be trampled with blood!
Only by experiencing blood can one truly grow up. Although Zi Qing's journey was also made with blood, the road to the king has never really started.

This time, it was her first step on the road of kingship, perhaps, it was paving the way for her future.

Ziqing's words fell into the ears of Nuoding and Nuohan, but it was like a thousand layers of waves were stirred up. They didn't think about this problem.

Under absolute interests, there is indeed no distinction between enemies, but what are their interests?
They never thought about it!
There seems to be a feud between the blood clan and the wolf clan that will never be solved. If Zi Qing didn't say this, they wouldn't think about it.

However, now, being reminded by Zi Qing, perhaps, the relationship between them and the wolf clan has really been resolved.

In fact, their real enemy is not each other, but human beings!

It probably confirmed the saying that people who are not of our race must be punished. Therefore, human beings have a great killing intent towards wolves and blood races. Once they see them, they will kill them.

Their vampires couldn't live in the sun, and it was still difficult to kill them, but the wolf clan couldn't.

Although the wolves can usually stand under the sun, and they have thick skin and thick flesh, ordinary physical attacks really can't do anything to them, but on the night of the full moon, they are at their weakest.

If humans choose to attack them when the moon is full, then I am afraid that the entire wolf clan will be destroyed by humans.

Fortunately, the wolves also emerged in large numbers, and they used formations, enchantments, and mechanism techniques to escape the full moon night after time.

However, with the passage of time, the wolves are capable people, but it does not mean that humans do not have them. Human beings have also destroyed the formations, barriers, and mechanisms set up by the wolves one by one. , The power of the organ is much smaller.

Once it is broken, then the night of the full moon will be the time for the wolf clan to exterminate the clan.

Thinking of this, Nuo Ding's face became a little complicated. He knew this, the blood clan knew it, the wolf clan knew it, and humans knew it.

Humans are just waiting for the best time to take over the wolves. After the wolves are eliminated, will the rest be the vampires?

Thinking of this, Nuoding broke out in a cold sweat.

That's right, that's it!
The heart of human beings has been clearly revealed, but there has always been an inseparable relationship between the wolf clan and the blood clan. Therefore, even if they know that the wolf clan is in danger, their blood clan will not intervene, and it is even better that the wolf clan They were lost by the human race, but they didn't expect that the demise of the wolf clan was the best proof that their blood clan was going to perish.

"My lord duke, can our blood race be wiped out by the human race?" Nohan said. As the spirit of the blood race, he had vaguely sensed the human's movements, but he didn't know how to explain it.

After all, the human beings at this time did not take any action. All their actions were aimed at the wolves, not their vampires. Therefore, even if he said it, the vampires would only take it as a joke, but now, Zi Qing brought it up , it's different!

(End of this chapter)

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