Poison doctor witch

Chapter 2733 King's Road 5

Chapter 2733 King's Road 5
As an outsider, Zi Qing raised this question, which can give the blood race a reminder and a vigilance, as long as a smart person can hear the meaning of Zi Qing's words.

Seeing the change in Notting's face, Nohan knew that he had listened and guessed the actions of the humans. If they let the humans attack the wolves at this time, the demise of their blood clan would be inevitable.

"I know!" Nuoding's voice was low and harsh!
The blood race is their root, and he will never allow anyone to destroy their blood race.

"Have you ever thought about why human beings want to kill you all?" As soon as Zi Qing said this, Nuo Ding and Nuo Han fell silent.

They knew this question, and because they knew it, when Zi Qing said this, they didn't know how to answer it.

The real reason why humans want to kill them all is because they want to devour human blood, if they don't swallow it, they can't live.

Natural selection, they want to survive, so they want to attack human beings, but this point, in their view, is nothing, because they have come here in the past.

However, now that Zi Qing said so, they couldn't refute it.

"Even if we don't attack human beings, human beings will attack us. Those who are not of our race will be punished!" Nuoding's idioms are learned quite well.

"Yes, this point, I cannot deny that you have your reasons, human beings also have human reasons, no matter from which point of view, everyone has a reason.

But now, the conflict of interests and the battle of kings made all this more and more unsettled.

The blood race, the wolf race, and the human race are three pillars, and it's time to decide the winner, and the purpose of my coming here is to end all of this! "Zi Qing is not saying that she is the savior, but since she wants to become the king of this world, then this war must be quelled.

Heroes come out of troubled times, obviously, this is creating conditions for her.

Nuo Ding and Nuo Han in the study heard Zi Qing's words, their little blood boiled, and their originally cold bodies became warm because of Zi Qing's words.

Does ending all this mean creating a new era?
The two vampires in the study room are definitely smart masters, Zi Qing just said such a sentence, they can think so far.

However, this time, they really guessed right, Zi Qing did indeed do that!

"Master, what do we need to do?" Since Zi Qing has such an ambitious goal, as her subordinates, how could they be absent!

"Wait!" Zi Qing just gave them two words, and stopped talking.

At the beginning, Nuoding and Nuohan were still a little confused about these two words, but soon, they discovered the meaning of Zi Qing's words.

This is to wait for the war between the wolves and the human race, are they going to be orioles?
"Master, is the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole behind?" Nuoding added another sentence to confirm what he thought.

"En!" To reassure them, Zi Qing nodded.

Seeing Ziqing nodding, Nuoding and Nuohan were excited. They had been waiting for this moment for many years!
"Master, let's arrange it right away!" At this moment, Nuo Ding couldn't wait any longer, he needed to make a good arrangement, of course, he also wanted to talk to the patriarch of the wolf clan!

It was only after hearing Zi Qing's words that he changed, otherwise, he would have disdain it!

(End of this chapter)

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