Poison doctor witch

Chapter 501 Please Don't Go 7

Chapter 501 Please Don't Go 7
This time, Xiaotao did not nod firmly, she wanted to stay, but she knew that if she stayed, the consequences would be absolutely disastrous, so she wanted to leave.

"Miss Ruyue, I don't deserve happiness at all. Instead of doing this, I might as well leave here!" After a long time, Xiaotao stopped crying.

This time, Zi Qing saw determination on her face, an unprecedented determination.

"Is the outside world's words, the outside world's words, really that important?" Zi Qing asked quietly. If it wasn't for her, maybe Xiao Tao was living a happy life at this time, right?

"Important, very important, Huo Yi, he has a better future, and his future should not be destroyed by me!" Huo Yi's future must not be ruined by her, rather than this, it is better for one of them to make a decision.

"This is just your one-sided idea, shouldn't you listen to Huo Yi's opinion?" Zi Qing looked at Huo Yi who was walking back, and a little smile appeared in her beautiful eyes.

Huo Yi, that's right, she thought he would leave in anger, but she didn't expect to turn around again.

That being the case, she will add fuel to the flames.

She also hopes that Xiaotao can find happiness, and she will avenge her revenge.

She didn't want Xiaotao to live in hatred, their happiness was very important.

"No, it's impossible for us, it's absolutely impossible! Miss Ziqing, you should know what I've been through. How can a person like me be happy?" For Ziqing, everyone present had no will She treats it like a child.

Of course, in that era, there were many 11-year-olds who were already in charge.

Therefore, for Zi Qing, they completely treated her as a peer!
"What happened in the past can't be changed at all, and it's not what you want to happen. What we want to see is the future, not the past!" Zi Qing understands Xiaotao's temper, she is stubborn and extremely stubborn Huo Yi is the only one who wants to change her mind.

Now, all she needs to do is keep going.

"Xiao Tao, you made the decision yourself without asking Huo Yi. Are you selfish?" Mu Ruyue intervened, and she also saw the love for Xiao Tao in Huo Yi's eyes. Huo Yi, then it was really a loss in her life.

"I'd rather be selfish, and I don't want someone poking his back!" Xiaotao lowered her head desolately!

"What if I don't care at all?" Suddenly, Huo Yi's voice came from the front, and the voice was so resolute, so determined.

Huo Yi finally couldn't help but speak, after he found out his feelings for Xiao Tao, he wouldn't care about what happened to Xiao Tao, he would only pity her even more!
"You don't care, I care!" Hearing Huo Yi's voice, Xiao Tao's body shook suddenly, and tears burst into tears again.

"We live our lives, why should we care what other people think, we live for ourselves, not for others!" Huo Yi stepped forward, hugged Xiao Tao in his arms suddenly, let Xiao Tao push, He just won't let go.

"Xiao Tao, I won't let go, I beg you not to go, stay, stay by my side!" Huo Yi begged Xiao Tao to stay, as long as they stay, then they can be together.

Tears kept falling from the corners of her eyes, Xiaotao couldn't say a word at this time, if she hadn't been insulted before, then she would have stayed without hesitation, but now, she can't, she can't, at least, she can't live with herself This level!
(End of this chapter)

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