Poison doctor witch

Chapter 502 Please Don't Go 8

Chapter 502 Please Don't Go 8
She couldn't let go of the grudge in her heart and let go of everything that had happened.

"Sister Ruyue, let's take a step to talk!" Seeing Xiao Tao's resolute look, Zi Qing knew that Xiao Tao would not choose to be with Huo Yi before she passed her own level.

"What's wrong?" Mu Ruyue was also frowning at this moment, thinking of countermeasures, she didn't want Xiao Tao to miss Huo Yi.

"If Xiao Tao loses her memory, she will never remember everything that happened back then, what do you think?" She wants to refine the Amnesia Pill. If Xiao Tao loses her memory, will she accept Huo Yi?

If Xiao Tao didn't like Huo Yi, then she would never come up with this idea, but now, it is obvious that Xiao Tao not only has affection for Huo Yi, but also quite intentionally.

This forced her to make a bad move, and most importantly, she also wanted Xiao Tao to forget everything that happened in the past, those bad memories in the past.

"Is there any side effect, is it possible for her to remember?" If there is any side effect, then she would rather Xiao Tao remember everything that happened back then.

"There are no side effects, and she won't remember it, even if someone who hurt her once stands in front of her, she won't remember it!" Zi Qing is quite confident about the elixir she made, this time, The Amnesia Pill she refined is absolutely heavenly.

She didn't want Xiaotao to be hurt even more than Mu Ruyue, so the elixir she refined must be the best.

"We have to ask Xiaotao's opinion!" As the person involved, she has the right to know all this.

On the other side, Xiao Tao was still crying, as if she was about to shed all the tears in this life, Huo Yi who was holding Xiao Tao, his eyes were also full of pain.

He knew everything that happened to Xiao Tao, but he didn't mind. The only thing he cared about was that Xiao Tao wanted to escape from his life.

"Xiao Tao, if you let this never happen, are you willing to accept it?" Zi Qing's opening made Huo Yi and Xiao Tao's bodies stiffen at the same time, and they looked at Zi Qing in disbelief.

"What does this mean? What do you mean nothing happened?" Some people didn't understand the meaning of Zi Qing's words. How could it be possible that things that had happened did not happen?

"I can refine a amnesia pill, as long as you take this pill, all your memories will be completely erased, nothing will remain, and you can start over!" She can still guarantee this.


"Yes, all, all the memories since you were born!" If you want to wash the memory, then wash it all away, nothing left.

"I don't want to lose the memory of Miss and Miss!" In Xiao Tao's mind, no one or anything is more important than "Zi Qing", if she loses her memory, then she will lose her memory of "Zi Qing".

"Xiao Tao, you have to live for yourself, not for others. If 'Zi Qing' has a spirit in the sky, she will know and understand!" Xiao Tao's heart for "Zi Qing" is absolutely heaven and earth But, Mu Ruyue can't just watch Xiao Tao's happiness be lost.

If "Zi Qing" knew about it, she would definitely be photographed to death!
"Really?" If she could erase this tragic memory, she would be willing. Whenever the night was quiet, it was the beginning of her pain.

If this memory no longer exists, she may be able to have a peaceful sleep and sleep!
"Really, I promise!" Mu Ruyue smiled brightly at Xiaotao, that smile embraced everything!
(End of this chapter)

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