Chapter 940 To Live Is The Greatest Happiness ([-])

The soil washed by the river was extremely muddy, Qi Yuxi walked forward with one foot deep and one foot shallow.

Several times, the leather shoes got stuck in the mud, and she had to dig them out with her hands and put them on.

Although Tong Jiajia was wearing sports shoes, the soles were very shiny. She slipped and fell several times, her whole body was covered in mud, and the original color of her school uniform could no longer be seen.

This journey was extremely difficult, and finally came to the front of the suspension bridge.

The suspension bridge is indeed still there, but the boards on it have been scattered, and there is no way to walk on it.

Qi Yuxi saw a discarded and moldy board on the ground, which could just fit on the suspension bridge. She asked the bodyguards to find another board, and they could cross the river.

The bodyguards didn't find any planks, but they found a few steel bars, which were barely usable.

They laid the wooden planks on the suspension bridge first, and then laid the steel bars after walking over. People stood on the steel bars, moved the wooden planks to the front, and walked over in this way.

You can't pass too many people at one time, so Qi Yuxi only brought two bodyguards, and the others waited in place.

After crossing the river, Tong Jiajia was like an uncontrolled wild horse, flying towards home.

How I wish my grandma would sit on a big rock by the side of the road and wait for her to go home, like in the past, with a cane.

However, she was disappointed.

There is no grandma on the big rock.

Tong Jiajia's home was a brick house built when her father was alive. At that time, because there was no money, the quality was not up to standard. During the earthquake, it completely collapsed.

"Grandma, grandma..." Tong Jiajia looked for her grandma in the ruins.

She moved the bricks with her immature little hands.

"Grandma, grandma, where are you...I'm here to save you...Grandma..."

Tong Jiajia yelled heart-piercingly, but didn't hear the slightest response.

A rusty iron nail cut her hand, and the blood dripped down on the bricks.

Qi Yuxi asked the bodyguards to help first, because her feet hurt, so she would walk more slowly.

Not only Tong Jiajia's house collapsed, but many nearby houses also collapsed.

This place belongs to the urban-rural fringe area, and the terrain is fairly open, but there is no one there.

Where have all the villagers gone?
Qi Yuxi rushed to Tong Jiajia's house, and Tong Jiajia was throwing stones like crazy.

Seeing her crying in despair, Qi Yuxi touched her tears and stepped forward to help move the stone.


It was moved entirely by hand, and she didn't know when she would move there, but Tong Jiajia didn't care about it, she just wanted to find her grandma.

Before he knew it, it was already noon, and Qi Yuxi was so hungry that he felt dizzy, but he had nothing to eat or drink, so he could only hold on.

She couldn't help but think of the farewell banquet that Lu Mufeng prepared for her at noon yesterday, and regretted that she didn't eat more yesterday, there was such a big table left, and she didn't pack a few dishes casually, the more she thought about it, the hungrier she became.


Lu Mufeng, have you come to see me?

Blisters appeared on his fingers, and Qi Yuxi's nails were broken, but they only cleaned up a small area.

A large area of ​​the house was pressed by the roof, and the roof had to be lifted to continue cleaning.

The four of them couldn't finish it at all.

Qi Yuxi asked a bodyguard to go to the village to have a look, maybe he could find someone to help, so she stayed here and continued to help Tong Jiajia find her grandmother.

"Grandma... grandma... where are you, grandma..." Tong Jiajia yelled, her voice getting hoarse.

After shouting for so long, no one responded under the ruins, so I'm afraid it's too bad.

She thought so in her heart, but Qi Yuxi didn't dare to say it, for fear that Tong Jiajia wouldn't be able to bear it.

The little girl is so filial, her grandma can also smile at Jiuquan.

 I won't update today, continue tomorrow, try to update as early as possible tomorrow!Babes, don't forget to vote for Xia Xia.

(End of this chapter)

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