Chapter 941 To Live Is The Greatest Happiness ([-])

Not long after the bodyguard left, Qi Yuxi heard him shout: "Madam, come quickly, there are many victims of disasters here."

"Come on, go over and have a look." Qi Yuxi hurriedly pulled Tong Jiajia down from the ruins crookedly, and ran towards the direction of the sound.

In the distance, Tong Jiajia saw a familiar figure stumbling towards her.

She cried, "Grandma, grandma..."

"Jiajia, Jiajia, is that you?" Grandma Tong also burst into tears: "God bless, God bless!"

"Grandma, it's me!" Tong Jiajia ran over quickly and hugged Grandma Tong tightly.

The villagers who supported Grandma Tong smiled and said, "Jiajia, it was your grandma who saved our whole village!"

Last night, Grandma Tong heard the rats kept going all night.

Although the old man has poor eyesight, he has very good ears.

She felt that it was unusual for the rats to make trouble all night, and the family dog ​​also stayed up all night.

When the first small earthquake occurred in the morning, she went out of the house and called the neighbors out from door to door.

Let everyone sit in the small square in the village.

All the young people in the village have gone to the big cities to work, and the rest are old and weak women and children. They usually have a good relationship with Grandma Tong. They listen to Grandma Tong and think of going to bask in the sun in the small square.

Unexpectedly, a major earthquake would suddenly occur.

Many villagers who planned to go home secretly rejoiced that Grandma Tong stopped them.

Many old houses in the village collapsed, but everyone was fine.

Qi Yuxi was too thirsty to speak, there was an abandoned well in the village, she went to scoop some water to drink.

There are a lot of fallen leaves floating in the well, which is not clean and has the stench of decaying fallen leaves.

Now I can't control so much anymore, survival is the most important thing.

"Boom boom boom..." Qi Yuxi heard the sound of the plane, she raised her head and saw several military planes flying by, dropping several large packages of materials.

Qi Yuxi looked at those military planes, feeling overwhelmed, maybe Lu Mufeng was among them, and he came to pick her up and go home.

After the earthquake, Chuanshui County has become a hell on earth. The once beautiful place has become devastated and the mountains and rivers have been broken.

The phone was not working, Qi Yuxi didn't know how to contact Lu Mufeng, even if she tried her best to wave at the passing plane, the people on the plane couldn't see her.

Qi Yuxi wanted to go back to the new campus of Chuanshui County Middle School, and Lu Mufeng would definitely go there to find her.

But it is not easy to go all the way, and there may be aftershocks on the road again.

Qi Yuxi didn't dare to take any more risks. She sat on the ground, hugged her legs, and thought hard about how to deliver the message to Lu Mufeng.

He is in the sky, dust is everywhere, visibility is so low, how can he see her?
There is nothing here, only stones and bricks.

By the way, bricks can be used!
Qi Yuxi suddenly realized, jumped up, picked up the bricks and ran towards the road at the entrance of the village.

Now you don't have to worry about cars on the road.

She happened to use bricks to spell on the road, letting Lu Mufeng know that she was here.

Although the bodyguard didn't know what Qi Yuxi wanted to do, he still actively helped her move the bricks, and Tong Jiajia also joined the brick-moving team.

You don't need to spell other characters, just spell a big "Mu".

Even if Lu Mufeng didn't see it, other pilots would definitely tell him if they saw it.

She believed that he would come to save her.

After spelling the word "Mu", Qi Yuxi was so tired that she slumped on the ground.

From time to time, planes fly by from a distance, and they are all small planes, which drop materials and then fly away.

(End of this chapter)

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