Chapter 951 Ugly Human Nature ([-])
The children cried out that they were hungry, Qi Yuxi felt uncomfortable, she had nothing for them to eat.

Qi Yuxi said: "Auntie will take you to a safe place first, and when it's safe, Auntie will go find food for you, okay?"

"Okay." The child nodded obediently, seeing that the surrounding houses had collapsed, he didn't dare to be willful any more.

Together with Qi Yuxi, Lu Mufeng sent the three children to the caravan.

The man who had been crushed under the prefabricated slab had been rescued.

His hands and legs were injured, but he still limped towards the kindergarten to save the child.

Deng Yueze still had some compressed biscuits, which he gave to the three children.

The three children gobbled it up and ate up the biscuits in no time.

Qi Yuxi stroked the child's dusty head, feeling very sad.

It is not known whether their families are well.

After the disaster, it is unknown how many families were torn apart.

The bodyguard went to find some water and came back for the children to drink, and the three children finally had enough to eat and drink.

Qi Yuxi helped them take off their clothes and shoes, and let them go to bed.

A chubby little boy asked Qi Yuxi: "Auntie, did my mother come to pick me up when I woke up?"

"Well, go to sleep, Auntie will help you find your parents."

The bodyguards who stayed in the kindergarten to help brought back two uninjured children soon after, and the injured children were sent to the train station square where there was a doctor.

There were thirty or forty students in a class, and only a few children were rescued.

Qi Yuxi pursed her lips tightly and looked up at the sky, not letting the children see her tears.

There was a little girl who was so frightened that she kept crying to find her mommy. Qi Yuxi hugged her, sang and told her stories, and then slowly calmed down.

Lu Mufeng received a call from Nangong Yuheng again, saying that they had arrived at the intersection of the Chuanshui County Expressway and were about to enter the city.

The advance troops led by Nangong Yuheng were the first rescue troops to arrive in Chuanshui County. After they arrived, other troops arrived one after another. Dazzling army green can be seen everywhere in Chuanshui County.

Nangong Yuheng found Lu Mufeng and Qi Yuxi and brought them some purified water and instant noodles.

"Sister-in-law, Mr. President will be here soon, you wait here for Mr. President, don't go anywhere else." Nangong Yuheng left in a hurry after leaving such a sentence.

He had to go and direct the rescue.

After seeing Nangong Yuheng and the soldiers he brought away, Qi Yuxi returned to the caravan and boiled water to make instant noodles for the children.

In the past, she disliked eating instant noodles the least, but now she thinks it is a delicacy in the world.

She has swallowed her saliva several times before soaking it.

The two boxes of instant noodles that Nangong Yuheng sent had to be saved.

The able-bodied bodyguards were also starving. They used to eat two buckets of noodles for a meal, but now they can only eat one bucket, which is not enough for them to stuff their teeth.

The child is too young to finish a bucket of instant noodles.

Qi Yuxi didn't want to make it for herself, so she ate it with the children.

Not long after, soldiers came to distribute tents, and the parking lot soon became a camping base.

Soldiers shuttled through the concentrated areas of victims.

After the materials were distributed and the road was cleared, a large number of excavators entered the city, and even tank trucks full of oil drove in.

Excavators began to clear the road, and rescue vehicles could be seen driving on the road.

After Qi Yuxi finished eating the instant noodles, she kept watching by the side of the road.

A military vehicle suddenly stopped in front of her, and the door opened, revealing Ye Zhenting's face.

"Father..." Qi Yuxi got into the car excitedly, and hugged Ye Zhenting tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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