Chapter 952 Ugly Human Nature ([-])
"Are you injured?" Ye Zhenting held Qi Yuxi's face and wiped away the tears from her face with his hands.

Her face was covered with a thick layer of dust, and she became a little cat with tears left behind.

"No, I'm fine, Dad, I really didn't expect you to come here, and come so soon."

Qi Yuxi wiped her face with her sleeve, and she didn't care about her image anymore. The past few days were sloppy, and she would take a good bath when she got home.

"Even if you are not here, with so many disaster victims waiting for me, I must come."

This earthquake is the biggest natural disaster that has occurred in the country during Ye Zhenting's tenure as president. The number of casualties is more than that of the great flood more than ten years ago.

Chuanshui County is located at the epicenter, and the entire county is devastated and miserable.

After the earthquake, Ye Zhenting saw the disaster photos sent back by the satellite for the first time, and was shocked by what he saw.

The communication was completely cut off, he couldn't get in touch with Qi Yuxi, and was restless in the office.

Seeing Qi Yuxi well in front of her now, her heart was only lifted.

Ye Zhenting patted Qi Yuxi's head: "Yu Xi, the road is clear now, I will send someone to escort you home, and I will go to various shelters to comfort the victims, you should go home soon!"

"If I don't go home, Lu Mufeng and I will stay as volunteers." Qi Yuxi smiled firmly: "Dad, you don't have to worry about us, you go and do your work."

"Yu Xi..."

"Dad, don't try to persuade me. I know what I'm doing. If I just go back like this, I will have a bad conscience for the rest of my life. I want to stay and take care of those children who have lost their parents."

Qi Yuxi's eyes were full of tears. After becoming a mother, she hated seeing her children suffer.

Looking at those poor children, she couldn't convince herself to leave.

The kids need her.

Qi Yuxi wiped away his tears and said, "Father, the newly built Chuanshui County Middle School can accommodate victims of the disaster. I plan to use a few classrooms there to accommodate children who can't find their parents. Can you please help me prepare some kindergartens?" The kind of cot and cotton-wool sheets?"

Ye Zhenting patted Qi Yuxi's shoulder in relief: "Yes, I will arrange someone to do it immediately."

"Okay, thank you Dad."

"It should be me thanking you, my good daughter."

After sending Ye Zhenting away, Qi Yuxi returned to the caravan. The five children were all asleep, their little bodies curled up on the big bed, looking pitiful and cute.

Two excavators came to help Qi Yuxi clear the way, and her RV drove all the way to the gate of the new campus of Chuanshui County Middle School.

Now not only the basketball court is full of disaster victims, but even the classrooms are full of disaster victims.

For the time being, Qi Yuxi was only assigned to one classroom to house the children.

She sent someone to tell the victims that children who were not with their parents could be sent to her, and she would take care of them.

One after another, disaster victims sent their children over, and soon there were more than a dozen children in the classroom.

In the evening, the cot and bedding were finally brought over, and these things were brought from a kindergarten in a neighboring county.

It's all been used, but the kids finally have a place to sleep.

The cooking teams of the army have settled in the places where the victims are concentrated, providing simple meals for the victims three times a day.

Even if there is only one bean sprouts and rice to eat, the victims are still very excited. Being able to eat hot rice and hot dishes is already the happiest thing now.

Water and electricity are cut off, and soldiers will patrol after dark to ensure the safety of the victims.

(End of this chapter)

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