Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 1444 Red Apricot Dream Falling [2]

Chapter 1444 Red Apricot Dream Falling [2]

Hua Xi nodded, she was indeed bought.

"Who bought you?"

"Mei Niang."

The girl asked blankly, "Who is Mei Niang?"

"I don't know either." Hua Xi looked at her and finally asked, "Who are you?"

"I'm Hong Xing." Hong Xing's cheeks were a little red, as if they were dyed red.

The delicate and beautiful face reflects the apricot blossom tree, and the peach blossoms are red on the human face, with tears in it, as if washed by spring rain, it is indescribably moving.

She is the reincarnation of Princess Huaxi...that face is similar to that extent.

This is still the same courtyard, but the apricot blossoms are blooming brilliantly.

Seeing that she was silent, Hong Xing suddenly said: "You, can you go to Amei and ask her to write a letter to Mr. Luo, he promised to redeem me!"

Hua Xi looked at her pitifully, how could... this life is actually a firework girl...

Who is Mr. Zhao, her benefactor?
Hua Xi turned her head and looked around, where is Chong Xi?He must be watching.

"Chong Xi? Chong Xi!" Hua Xi stood up and turned around, but didn't see anyone.

Did he hide, or what?Even he can't bear to look at it?

Hong Xing stared at her blankly, and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

"Did you see a man in purple?" Hua Xi asked.

Hong Xing was startled, then shook her head, and said: "I only know Mr. Luo, he spent a lot of money for me, he said he went to raise it with his family, as long as his parents are distressed, he will redeem me, I will only be his concubine .”

"Concubine?" Hua Xi gritted his teeth and asked, "How many wives and concubines does he have?"

"I don't know..." Hong Xing shook her head, tears streaming down her face, "As long as he likes me, I like him too. I was sold here since I was a child, and he has always taken care of me, but he left suddenly. The old bustard said, If he doesn't come to redeem me next year, he will ask me to pick up other guests!"

Hua Xi knelt down, shook her head sadly, and said, "Don't wait for him, he won't come."

Hong Xing's eyes widened, she shook her head suddenly, and said hoarsely, "You are talking nonsense! Who are you? Why did you lie to me? Who are you! Who are you!"

The pretty girl suddenly turned into a fierce ghost with teeth and claws, and rushed towards Hua Xi.

Hua Xi was startled when she heard someone calling her softly beside her ear.

"Miss Xuanqing, Miss Xuanqing!"

Hua Xi suddenly opened her eyes, there was no apricot blossom, no yard, she was still in the room, leaning on the pillow...

Did you just dream?

Touching his forehead, there was still a light layer of sweat.

Xiaohong put down the tray and touched her forehead, "Ah, Miss, you have a fever!"

Hua Xi still had lingering fears in her heart, she couldn't help but glanced out of the window, seeing that the apricot tree was still full of flower buds, she felt relieved.

At least it's not a dream.

Xiaohong handed her the medicine in the tray and said, "This is the medicine prescribed by the doctor. I have prepared it. Miss, drink it while it's hot."

Hua Xi took it and didn't drink it yet, but frowned slightly when she smelled it.

There is a little bit of stuff added in it, she knows how to refine medicine and is proficient in medicinal materials, this kind of smell can be known by just a little smell.

In fact, what was added was not a gut-piercing poison, but a drug that could make people weak. I probably didn't want her to escape, and I knew she might have some strength.

So should I take this medicine or not?
She already had a fever, and she didn't have any other medicine on her body. If she didn't drink it, she could only wait for the wound to become infected and die.
The last past life, calm down...

(End of this chapter)

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