Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 1445 Red Apricot Dream Falling [3]

Chapter 1445 Red Apricot Dream Falling [3]

After thinking about it, Hua Xi drank the whole bowl of medicine without much hesitation.

Anyway, heal the injury first.

Seeing that she drank the medicine without any doubts, Hong Xing felt relieved, and brought her the externally applied medicine on the tray.

"Miss, the doctor told me that this is for external application, let Xiaohong apply the medicine for you."

"No need, the wound is terrible, I'm afraid it will scare you, you go out, I will do it myself."

"Okay, if you have any orders, please call me, I'm outside." Xiaohong said enthusiastically.

This young lady is so stunning and beautiful, Mei Niang is also optimistic about her, she will definitely be prosperous in the future, she must take good care of her, and she will be considered to have status in the Qiluo Pavilion in the future.

After Xiaohong went out, Hua Xi picked up the medicinal materials. Those medicines had already been ground, and there were still several bottles of medicinal powder.

Hua Xi smelled them one by one, and they were all anti-inflammatory and hemostatic medicines. There was no problem, so she felt relieved to take the medicine for herself.

After taking the medicine, I rested for a while, and the scene under the apricot tree appeared in my mind from time to time.

That yard is not much different from now. The apricot tree doesn't look as tall as it is now, but it won't last more than 30 years.

That should be her coming here, Hua Xi's last reincarnation.

It's ironic, what a noble princess of the God Race back then, she was reduced to such a state in her reincarnation...

When it was night, Hua Xi ate a little porridge before getting ready to rest, but the originally clear sky suddenly began to rain heavily.

The cold wind came in from the window, and Xiaohong was not in the room, so Hua Xi stood up to close the window.

It's raining again, why is Chong Xi angry again?

Is it because I can't find her?Then come and find her, she is here, now I really hope he can find her...

boom -

At this moment, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed, and in the fleeting light, Hua Xi saw a girl standing under the apricot tree.

Red jacket and white skirt, long hair shawl, was soaked by rain.

"Red apricot!"

Hua Xi hurried out, so it was not a dream?Red apricot really exists!

She opened the door and ran out, just as Xiao Hong also came in from the outside, and when she saw her, she quickly grabbed her.

"Miss, you can't go out, it's raining so much outside, your wound can't see water!"

"There is someone over there, did you see it?" Hua Xi pointed to the apricot blossom tree and said, "I saw it just now, that woman's name is Hong Xing..."

Before she finished speaking, Xiaohong staggered a step, fell backwards on the heavy rain, and stared blankly at her.

Hua Xi also saw that there was no one under the apricot blossom tree at this time, did he misread it?

I guess it's a hallucination...

"Xiaohong..." She just wanted to say that she was wrong, but when she heard her voice, Xiaohong screamed, and then ran out scrambling.

Hua Xi was surprised, what happened?
She slowly walked back to the room and sat down, poured a cup of tea and drank it to calm her shock, thinking about the hallucination just now, she still felt incredible.

This must not be a dream, it is impossible for her to see a non-existent person again and again.

She is not a fragile person, and it is impossible for her to hallucinate casually.

Hongxing, Hongxing... Are you still here?
Not long after, there was the sound of messy footsteps outside, and then, the door of the house was pushed open heavily.

Mei Niang dragged Xiao Hong in, but she didn't bring a thug or a maid beside her, and she didn't have an umbrella, so she was soaked all over.

Mei Niang is at least 40 years old, but the charm is still there,

(End of this chapter)

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