Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 1701 Chasing Chongxi [6]

Chapter 1701 Chasing Chongxi [6]

Hua Xi sat up slowly, enduring the severe pain on her body, and wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth.

"Devil Demon..." Hua Xi said bitterly, "This sword has killed me once, can it kill me a second time?"

Holding the sword in his hand, Chong Xi stood motionless on the spot, judging by his appearance, he didn't want to continue to attack.

However, amidst the smoke, Hua Xi felt that his face was very blurry.

Just like the stone statue standing at the Huangquan Waterfall, there is no trace of laziness, but a serious and punishing expression.

Chong Xi looked at her from a distance, and finally put away the Demon Slayer Sword, gave her a cold look, turned and left.

"Stop!" Hua Xi stood up, trying to catch up.

"Hua Xi!"

Jia Ruo who caught up grabbed her from behind.

"Don't chase, you are not the master's opponent, don't provoke him anymore!"

Caro said bitterly.

"Let me go!" Hua Xi struggled to break free from his hand, the injury caused by the confrontation with Xing Sui just now made her suffocate in her chest.

Later, he was blocked by the Demon Slaying Sword, and this energy shook in his heart, causing internal injuries.

She believed that the star pendant was also hurt badly.

"Hua Xi, this place is already outside the God Realm. It won't do any good for you to do this." Jia Ruo held her tightly, "Do you want to die? What's the point of that?"

"I'm just not reconciled." Hua Xi whispered, "Aren't I his opponent? What despicable thing did he do, what eighth totem did he create to deceive me and disperse my strength so that I can't deal with him?" ..."

Jia Ruo shook his head: "No, Master won't do that..."

"He is your good master, not mine!" Hua Xi pushed her away, raised her head, and looked at the empty front.

Chong Xi has disappeared.

So I tried my best to chase after him, but I still couldn't say a word to him.

Chong Xi, you are cruel and hypocritical enough!
If you are so decisive, then why go to the Demon Realm and talk to me so much?

She is still the same as she was 9000 years ago, she will never see through Chong Xi.

What kind of person is he?Why is it that no one can see him clearly and tell her?

Jia Ruo looked at her helplessly: "Hua Xi, Master may be wrong, but he must have a reason."

"The reason? Is it? Then you asked him to tell me, what is the reason for killing me?"

Jia Ruo was stunned, this...he didn't quite understand what happened 9000 years ago, when he just made a sound.

Hua Xi raised the corners of her lips coldly: "Jia Ruo, I don't blame you, you don't understand anything."

"Hua Xi, I want to help you." Jia Ruo choked up and said, "Tell me, how can I help you? We all have the same thing, why are they not willing to forgive you?"

"Don't think about helping me." Hua Xi smiled lightly at him, "As long as you don't get involved in the grievances between me and Chong Xi, you can count as helping me."

Jia Ruo opened his mouth to say something, but Hua Xi shook his head at him.

"About him, I don't want to talk about it." Hua Xi turned around slowly, since there was no result, the only option was to go back.

On Chongxi, he would not give her any explanation, even if she chased him so far, it was still in vain.

Controlling the God Killing Blade, Hua Xi left this place soon.

Jia Ruo watched her go sadly, then turned around to help Xingzhuo up.

"Xingluo, why did Master do this?" Jia Ruo asked, sniffling.

Xingzhuo lowered his head, looked blankly at the clouds under his feet, just shook his head lightly, and said nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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