Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 1702 Soul Eater Evil Fruit [1]

Chapter 1702 Soul Eater Evil Fruit [1]

"You guys are so disgusting, how many people you make sad by not saying anything!" Jia Ruo said angrily.

Stardrop remained indifferent.

Jia Ruo shook him angrily, and helped him go back without saying anything.

Halfway through Hua Xi Yujian's flight, she felt that she had no strength, and when she thought of going back to the ghost world and meeting many people, she felt a headache.

She doesn't want to see anyone at the moment, she just wants to be alone.

She put away the god-killing blade, slowly landed on the edge of a small town, and walked slowly towards the town.

"Buns, steaming buns!"

"Girl, look at this purse. It is made of the finest fragrant flowers. Wearing it will definitely attract your sweetheart."

"Mask people, come and see all kinds of face people!"


With the sound of hawking one after another, this small town is actually so lively.

Hua Xi looked at the pedestrians coming and going, laughing and laughing, although life is simple, but so happy.

In that life in the 21st century, what she longed for the most was such a simple and beautiful happiness. She didn't need to own too much, as long as the two of them were together.

But the happiness of ordinary people is a luxury for her.

If you live in the dark for too long, you will be afraid of the light.

She couldn't stand upright under the light of ordinary people, because her hands always had the smell of blood that couldn't be washed off.

Someone will always be afraid of her...

Hua Xi sat down by a small stall, ordered a bowl of noodles and began to eat slowly.

At her current level, she can already eat bigu, but she doesn't want to really become that kind of person who doesn't eat the fireworks of the world, she likes the taste of the world.

She has never lived an ordinary life in her life.

The boss brought the noodles, but she couldn't finish it after eating for a long time, the noodles were soaked.

It's not that it doesn't taste good, it's that I can't swallow anything...

She hastily dropped a gold coin, got up and left.

"Girl, there's no change yet!" The boss shouted at her back.

Looking at the gold coins on the table, I was really dumbfounded, what a generous guest!
This gold coin!He only earns so much from a small stall in a month!
I really met a living fairy...

Hua Xi was in the crowd, but she still felt like an outsider. The faces of the people passing by her were blurred, but they all had similar expressions.

Laugh, worry.

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't fit into this world.

"Under the marriage tree, the same heart knot, good things come in pairs, and dreams come true!"

A voice floated into his ears, Hua Xi followed the sound and saw that it was a marriage tree covered with red ribbons, it was in the middle of the street, surrounded by many people.

The marriage tree is very common in the world, but it is not as effective as the marriage palace. It is nothing more than some good men and women in the world seeking comfort.

Hua Xi stood watching from afar, but didn't go in.

She vaguely remembered that a few years ago, in Jialan City, she once held hands with Chong Xi to ask for a marriage.

Whose name did he write on the ribbon at that time?
Cut... What is she thinking about at this time?
Whoever he wrote about, what did it matter to her?
But she remembered very clearly that on the ribbon, she wrote 'Ji Yue'.

If the fate hadn't been changed by Chong Xi, and Hong Xing hadn't left her, then she would definitely stick to one person and only like one person.

After all, it was still strange to Chong Xi.

He didn't give her happiness, he didn't even give her a chance to find happiness by herself.

(End of this chapter)

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