Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 1704 Soul Eater Evil Fruit [3]

Chapter 1704 Soul Eater Evil Fruit [3]

Hearing the voice, he seemed to be a little apprehensive and fearful.

Hua Xi felt sore, and said: "He always wears a black cloak, he is out of place in the crowd, exuding cold and poisonous air all over his body, everyone thinks he is scary, but in fact, he is very gentle and kind. people."

"How do you know..." Ghost King murmured, "Maybe he also has a dark side that is unknown, or uncontrollable emotions..."

"What does it matter?" Hua Xi smiled faintly, "Who in this world has no shortcomings? He has shortcomings, but it doesn't prevent him from being nice to his friends."

"However, his uncontrollable emotions and poisonous gas may make him kill his friends..." the ghost king whispered.

"'s not his fault." Hua Xi said seriously, "It's fate's fault. If you blame him, it's not fair to him. He killed his friend, and he must be regretting to death."

The Ghost King clenched his fists tightly, his huge body trembling faintly like a volcano about to erupt at any moment.

"Your friend, is he okay?"

"I don't know either." Hua Xi shook his head, "He disappeared suddenly, or he became another person."

"Would you still be friends with him if he turned into a monster?" he asked.

Hua Xi put her knees on her cheeks, turned her head and smiled like a flower, her eyes were shining with stars.

"No matter what monster he becomes, I will always be his friend."

Shuo Yue Hanyou took a deep breath, and Hua Xi could see the crystal water in his gloomy eyes from bottom to top.

He didn't want to cry in front of her and expose his identity, so he turned and left without saying anything.

Hua Xi said to his back: "Also, I really want to thank him for taking care of me and protecting me. If he is still willing to be my friend, I hope he can come back anytime!"

He didn't stop, and kept walking out of her sight.

Hua Xi sniffed lightly, Shuo Yue, don't be afraid, no matter what kind of monster you become, I will never dislike you.

After sitting for a while, she planned to stand up, she was really tired, and not far ahead was the inn where the demons stayed.

Let's go back and read Feng Yueyan's book of life and death first, and find out where her soul is.

Hua Xi took two steps, and suddenly, in the thick fog in front of him, a figure came indistinctly.

At this time, the fog on the river was really thick, almost covering the surrounding area, obstructing the sight.

But that figure was somewhat familiar to Hua Xi.

Without thinking about it, she immediately hid behind a tree, holding all the breath in her body.

Fortunately, there is this mist, otherwise, the other party would be able to detect her breath from a distance.

After a while, the figure finally walked through the thick fog, with its toes pointing on the Wangchuan River, without getting its shoes or socks wet, and it crossed the river with ease.

The pure white robe, although not as elegant as the cassock, still has a elegance that cannot be ignored.

In the thick mist, the eyebrows are like distant mountains, the eyes are like cold stars, and in the clean and handsome, because of the light blood red under the eyes, it looks very strange.

After he arrived here, he didn't find Hua Xi, but continued to walk forward.

Hua Xi stuck a talisman on her body, blocking all breath, and then quietly followed.

What is Wujiang doing here alone at a time like this?
(End of this chapter)

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