Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 1705 Soul Eater Evil Fruit [4]

Chapter 1705 Soul Eater Evil Fruit [4]

If she remembered correctly, if she walked forward, she should have come to a very scary place.

Soul Devouring Land...

Thinking of the experience of being attacked by Bianhua, I still have lingering fears.

It's really unbelievable that Wujiang wants to take the initiative to go there.

After walking for a long time, but still not reaching the destination, Hua Xi couldn't understand why he chose to walk when he could clearly control the sword?

If you go on like this, you won't be able to walk until it gets dark.

In the thick fog ahead, the figure was looming, and only a vague shadow could be seen vaguely.

Sure enough, the sky gradually darkened, and with the addition of fog, in this uninhabited wilderness, it was really pitch black, and you couldn't see your fingers.

Hua Xi was a little nervous, it was dark, it was even more difficult to act, and it would be much more difficult to follow.

This is boundless, what exactly do you want to do?
When Hua Xi was secretly anxious, Wu Jiang unexpectedly lit a torch and held it in the darkness, guiding her like a lighthouse.

Hua Xi was taken aback, he couldn't have found her, right?

I found it, and it is impossible to show her the way...

Is he crazy?

Although there were so many doubts in his heart, Hua Xi still did not stop, and still followed.

Not long after, Wujiang finally stopped. He stood in front of an empty land and planted a torch on the ground.

When the strong wind blew up, the light of the torch danced and danced, illuminating the hem of his white clothes, eerie and terrifying.

Hua Xi vaguely sensed that something was about to happen, so she was extra cautious, without blinking her eyes, staring at Wu Jiang's every move.

What on earth is he doing here?
Suddenly, he raised his hand and read something, and the surrounding fog became thicker in an instant.

Although there was fire, but only the faintly beating fire could be seen, and Wu Jiang's figure could not be seen at all!
He's not leaving, is he?

Hua Xi clenched her fists and followed her for so long, if he just played tricks on her and tried to get rid of her shell, she would be really mad!
Simply, after waiting for five or six minutes, the mist gradually dissipated, and Wu Jiang's figure slowly appeared.

he didn't go...

Hua Xi looked in the direction of Wujiang, looked at it, and suddenly began to have difficulty breathing.

Because she saw an incredible scene!
In the gradually disappearing mist, a huge silhouette is also revealed!
It was a huge tree with intertwined roots, disorganized branches, and all the leaves were black!

And the most weird thing is, among the black leaves, there is actually a blood-red Bana flower blooming!

After the fog became very thin, Hua Xi couldn't imagine how huge the tree was.

Because what she saw with her eyes was only part of it!

There is another part, towering high into the mid-air, covered by the deeper darkness!

When I saw Hong Xin who had practiced for thousands of years and became a tree demon outside Jialan City, he was already a giant tree, but compared with this one, it was just a small sapling!

Hua Xi swallowed a mouthful of saliva, as soon as this giant tree appeared, the surrounding spiritual power fluctuations changed.

The vines protruding from the giant tree, like the tentacles of an octopus, swing around.

Part of the vines extended from the ground, even reaching Hua Xi's feet.

She quickly and carefully avoided it for fear of being discovered.

But the root system that was firmly rooted in the ground still found her very easily.

A thin root system suddenly grabbed her foot, Hua Xi tightly covered her mouth, and was about to pull out her dagger to cut off that root system.

(End of this chapter)

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