Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 332 Thunder Fury [6]

Chapter 332 Thunder Fury [6]

"Follow me, hurry up."

"I won't leave, I came here voluntarily." Hua Xi looked at him calmly, without any trace of fear in his eyes.

"Are you crazy? Do you know that if you become a sacrifice, your heart will be dug out and you will die!" Long Ganyu shouted angrily.

"I know." Hua Xi said calmly.

Although I have never seen the sacrifices of Fengxi Kingdom, but the ancient sacrificial rituals are nothing more than killing sacrifices.

The ancient Egyptian civilization and the Mayan civilization are all like this, and there is nothing surprising about it.

The ignorant ancients thought that pure blood would make the gods happy.

Long Ganyu stared at her blankly. She knew she would die, so she still wanted to go to the temple?

Dijun is a god race, he does not have the emotions and desires of a human race, he will not pity her, and he will not care if she is voluntary or not.

"It's not a voluntary sacrifice. You don't need to sacrifice. You were just betrayed by Mo Qingtian." Long Ganyu continued.

"If Chong Xi is really an all-knowing protoss, he should know all of this." Hua Xi looked up at the dark sky, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Long Ganyu was startled, is she... mocking the emperor?Or provocative?

"Hua Xi, this is the last chance. Once you enter the temple, you will have no chance to regret it."

"Thank you." Hua Xi looked at him and smiled, then said to the messenger, "Go in."

Long Ganyu stared at her dumbfounded, the dragon-slaying sword was still on the messenger's neck, unwilling to move away.

The envoy said: "Prince, the emperor is already angry, and the people of Fengxi Kingdom are about to die. Do you want to anger the emperor again?"

Long Ganyu held the Dragon Slaying Sword tightly, his joints creaking. He looked at Hua Xi and asked again: "Are you sure you won't come with me?"

Hua Xi shook her head, if she followed Long Ganyu now, it would only cause more trouble.

Long Ganyu was impulsive because of her, and didn't consider the overall situation, because the time was too short for him to think and make arrangements.

But Hua Xi is always the most sober person.

As Shen Huaixu said, the human race has already made a mistake and made the Emperor angry, so it should not offend him at this time.

"Prince, Master Guoshi has been waiting in the temple for a long time!"

The envoy said arrogantly, as the envoys of the national teacher and the priests in the temple, they only have the emperor and the national teacher in their hearts, and the rest are nothing to them.

Including royalty.

Long Ganyu looked at Hua Xi, and slowly withdrew the Dragon Slaying Sword.

"If you're dead, maybe I don't have to suffer so much anymore." He said slowly, with a desolate smile on the corner of his cold lips.

Hua Xi just looked at him silently. Although he failed Mo Huaxi, she still sympathized with him.

If there were no mishaps three years ago, if he had always known that it was Mo Huaxi, maybe now, he would be very happy.

Of course, in that case, Mo Huaxi might not die, and she wouldn't come here either.

"The world without you must be much better than it is now." Long Ganyu looked at her with deep eyes, unable to look away for a long time.

The envoy of the national teacher has ignored him, and the sacrifice is more important than him.

The envoy drove the carriage quickly to the temple.

The gate of the temple was opened, and after they entered, it was slowly closed.

Long Ganyu rode his horse and stood outside, the heavy rain washed his face, and countless streams of water rolled down his face.

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(End of this chapter)

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