Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 333 God King Sacrifice [1]

Chapter 333 God King Sacrifice [1]

I don't know if it's in it, but it's mixed with tears.

The carriage stopped in the temple, and immediately several priestesses greeted them, opened the curtains, and stretched out their hands to catch Hua Xi.

The sacrifices in the past are always unwilling, and few are willing.

Even if there are willing ones, they will be afraid when they arrive at the temple, so these priestesses have become accustomed to taking the sacrifice out forcibly, so as not to let her cause too much disturbance.

However, Hua Xi glanced at them coldly and said: "I will come down by myself, no one needs to do it!"

Captured by the icy aura on her body, several priestesses looked at each other in blank dismay, but they all moved away obediently.

Hua Xi got off the carriage by herself, her body was dripping wet, and immediately dragged a layer of water on the clean black basalt floor.

A sacrificial girl said: "Girl, go wash up first, and change into sacrificial clothes."

Hua Xi nodded and followed her to the depths of the temple.

The remaining priestesses all showed puzzled eyes.

This girl is really strange, why can't I see any trace of fear on her face?
So calm, calm, elegant, domineering.

It seems that the emperor who came to inspect the territory does not look like a sacrifice to die.

The temple is extremely broad, and it was built magnificently in order to reflect the majesty of God.

The more than 100 giant stone pillars in the front hall alone are already unparalleled in the world. Even in the 21st century, such a building is absolutely shocking.

Walking through the main hall of stone pillars is the nave where the country holds major ceremonies. There is a pool in the middle, facing the hollow dome on the top.

The leaked skylight shone in the pool, sparkling, and the pool was full of lotus flowers.

On both sides of the pool, there are huge stone statues of heavenly emperors in the past, which are carved so vividly that they seem to be reborn.

Counting the past one by one, from the beginning of the world to this point, there have been nine god kings in total, and each of them holds the devil-killing sword in their hands.

Demon Slayer, this prestigious divine sword between heaven and earth, is a weapon that only the masters of the six realms are entitled to possess.

He recognizes the master, and only recognizes the one with the purest and noble bloodline. The rest of the protoss, no matter how powerful they are, cannot be recognized by this arrogant sword.

The current master of killing demons is naturally Emperor Chongxi.

He stood at the very end of the nave, the colorless stone statue could not depict his magnificence, but with just a little bit of resemblance, he also has a stunning beauty.

Different from the majesty and sanctity of the other emperors, his stone statue is a bit lazy, with one leg slightly bent, lazily holding the Demon Slayer Sword on the ground to support the weight of his body.

Her long hair was like flowing clouds, hanging behind her all the time, and her hair was solemnly decorated with several gold rings inlaid with precious stones.

There was a faint smile on his face, and his eyes were looking forward. The hollow stone statue could not draw his gaze.

The place he was looking at was the stone statue on the opposite side, but it was a pity that there was only an empty stone pier there.

Is that the position prepared for the future God King?

Why so early?The reign of Emperor Chongxi was only a few thousand years. For the Protoss, a thousand years is like a snap of the fingers.
Lu Dao: Chong Xi, beg me quickly, I won’t let you make soy sauce, I will give you some soy sauce to drink.

Chong Xi: I have a lot of fans.

Lu: If I write something bad for you casually, you will lose all your fans.

Xi: You can write if you have one.

Lu: Dare to call the director that you don't want to mess around?
Xi (lazy): I have a lot of fans.


(End of this chapter)

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