Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 603 Entering the Demon Realm Again [2]

Chapter 603 Entering the Demon Realm Again [2]

Hua Xi chuckled, okay, let's swim faster.

The water ripples, and the stars illuminate a space.

Neither of them noticed that in the depths of this dark pool, a huge shadow passed below them.

Hua Xi frowned slightly, she was always alert, but suddenly she had a bad premonition.

"Why, what's the matter?" Jinfeng asked stammeringly.

"Hold on to me!" Hua Xi said, quickly speeding up and swimming towards the shore.

The shore is getting closer, ten meters, seven meters, five meters...

Suddenly, the bottom of the water fluctuated violently, and a huge monster suddenly emerged from the pool behind them!


With a roar, waves suddenly splashed in the pool!

"Ah-ah--" Jinfeng looked back and shouted, "Three-headed monster!"

Hua Xi didn't have time to look back, she only knew how to swim forward quickly, however, the water monster lowered its head with a roar, and sprayed a jet of water from its mouth.

Sensing the danger behind her, Hua Xi grabbed Jinfeng and threw him to the shore forcefully, then she turned around and held the sword of summoning, ready to fight the three water monsters!
"Xiao Xixi!" Jin Feng took the star and fell to the ground, staring at his eyes.

Hua Xi raised the Juque Sword and poured spiritual power into it, only to find that the three water monsters didn't even take a look at her, they just chased after Jinfeng.

"What? Did you see that chicken?" Hua Xi was thrown by the waves when the three-headed water monster passed by, and then quickly swam towards the shore.

Jinfeng was dizzy and finally got up, his body still staggering.

In a blink of an eye, he saw Hua Xi in the water, holding a sword dangling at him.

"Why? You killed the three-headed water monster so quickly?" Jinfeng said dazedly, "It's amazing..."

Just as he was talking, a gust of cold air blew faintly on his head.

He looked at Hua Xi, who quickly pointed to the top of his head.

The cockscomb shook, Jinfeng slowly raised his head, and then saw a head the size of a house above his head, looking at him.

After a while, a big head came over, and after a while, another one came over.

Three heads, each with a red eye.

Jinfeng was stunned, sweating profusely all over his body, trembling until his chicken feathers spread out.

"Weird..." Jinfeng hugged little Xingxing, crying, "Do you like chicken?"

All three heads of the three-headed water monster stared at him motionlessly.

"I, I, I, I don't taste good, my meat is relatively old." Jinfeng trembled all over, and took a small step back slowly.

The three water monsters immediately approached him, he was too frightened to move, with tears streaming down his face, he looked to Hua Xi in the water for help.

"Xiao Xixi, don't let him eat me."

Hua Xi didn't expect that the three water monsters would go towards Jinfeng, but the movement was a bit strange.

She swam to the shore, and when she was about to land, Jinfeng suddenly spread his wings, and a golden light hit the three water monsters, and he ran away!

Although the three-headed water monster was huge, its reaction ability was extremely fast. It dodged all of a sudden, and then chased after Jinfeng angrily.

"Ahhh! Xiao Xixi hit him quickly! Don't let him chase me!" Jinfeng shouted while running.

Hua Xi took out an Ice Yuan Talisman, and threw it at the three-headed water monster!
The ice element talisman exploded in mid-air, forming a snowstorm and rushing towards the three-headed water monster!
The three-headed water monster completely ignored the wind and snow, and suddenly emerged completely from the water!
(End of this chapter)

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