Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 604 Entering the Demon Realm Again [2]

Chapter 604 Entering the Demon Realm Again [2]

The huge body is like the Loch Ness Monster in the movie, with three heads and four thin wings on the back!
The fleshy wings opened halfway, flying out of the pool with countless water splashes.

Jin Feng screamed louder, Hua Xi didn't even believe that he was a beast!
He ran a little faster than Fu Zhan, the three-headed water monster had a long neck, lowered its head, and swept him across the ground with one head without any effort!

Jinfeng let out an 'ahhhh' sound, the little star fell to the ground, and the three water monsters immediately lowered their heads.

"Don't eat me, don't eat me! I'm going to be angry!" If he hadn't been sealed, the three monsters would have been beaten to nowhere!
Even little monsters from the devil world dare to break ground on Uncle Feng's head these days!

Hua Xi immediately recited the incantation of the Underworld Forbidden Technique, but suddenly stopped halfway through the recitation.

The three-headed monsters lowered their heads, but there was no bird Jinfeng. Instead, they looked curiously at the little stars on the ground. The twinkling lights made his three heads look again and again.

The three eyes blinked, full of awe-inspiring light.

It turned out that it wasn't the chicken that fell in love with. The three-headed monster was attracted by the light of the little star.

She lived in this dark pool, she should have never seen the stars.

And although she is big and ugly, she is not aggressive towards them, and she has been chasing Jinfeng all the time, just because Jinfeng is holding Little Xingxing.

Hua Xi thought about it, and suddenly booed Jin Feng twice.

Jinfeng raised his head anxiously, and saw the three-headed water monster staring at the star, and ignored him at all.

"He doesn't want to eat me." Jin Feng said happily to Hua Xi, "He just wants little stars."

Hua Xi slowly swam up from the pool and quietly walked to the side of the three water monsters.

The three water monsters raised their heads, glanced at her, then lowered their heads, and continued to stare obsessively at Little Xingxing.

Knowing that she was not violent, Hua Xi bent down and carefully picked up Little Xingxing from the ground.

The three water monsters immediately raised their heads, and all three heads looked at her curiously.

"Xiao Xixi, what are you doing?" Jin Feng asked.

"She likes light." Hua Xi took out a fire control talisman and urged it with spiritual power.

The fire-controlling talisman burned, and the flame became brighter, and the eyes of the three-headed water monster also lit up.

She quietly put away the little star, and then used her spiritual power to drive the fire-controlling talisman to slowly fly into the pool.

"Woo--" the three-headed water monster screamed, its huge body turned a corner, and then chased after the bright fire.

"Run!" Hua Xi picked up Jinfeng and quickly ran along the shore.

She can see very well in the dark and can see where she's going without needing a light.

"He looks very good, maybe we can take him!" Jinfeng said.

"It's always the demon race, there are too many hidden dangers, forget it, it's better to ask yourself than to ask for help." Hua Xi said, walking even faster.

Behind him, the three-headed water monster suddenly let out a strange cry, and chased them into the pool. The fire-controlling talisman fell into the water and went out.

He raised his three heads, roared towards the top, and then turned his head to see that the human and chicken just now had disappeared.


The three-headed water monster suddenly uttered a simple word, and then came out of the pool again, looking for Hua Xi and Jin Feng everywhere.

Seeing the fire ahead, Jinfeng said: "Going out is the devil world, be careful!"

Hua Xi nodded, this place is a valley with steep black mountain walls on both sides,
(End of this chapter)

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