My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1001 Clothes Tomb

Chapter 1001 Clothes Tomb

"Do you feel better now?"

"It's all right now, let's go, lady, I'll help you clean up the baby."

"No, no, I'll just go down and collect the baby by myself, and you can rest on it obediently."

"But I want to help the lady."

"No need!" Ye Chuchen said in a good mood: "You still remember that there are so many treasures here and you are helping me. Be good, I will make stinky tofu for you after you get on the flying boat."

"Long live my wife!"

Seeing Ye Chuchen submerged in the water again, Mu Hun let out a breath.

I also secretly slandered in my heart, as expected, the mentally retarded can't do it for too long, and if you do it for too long, you will really become mentally retarded.

Immediately, Mu Hun quickly got up quietly, quickly rushed out of the restriction, and then used his spiritual power to soar the strength of his whole body to the highest level.

A vast aura instantly swept in all directions.

The palaces within a few hundred miles around were neatly arranged, and the brand-new comic books in each compartment were instantly reduced to dust.

That pain in Muhun's heart!

A few people who were visiting a villain's book in a certain palace, or more accurately, it should be a comic book, read the basic comics with great interest, and suddenly, the comics in their hands instantly turned into powder.

People were surprised.

"What's going on?" Xiaoyu asked.

"I don't know..." Huang Yi shook her head: "Could it be weathered?"

Feng Heng shook his head: "The spiritual power inside is very sufficient, we have not broken the restriction, so there is no problem of weathering at all."

"Well, you guys watch slowly, come back later."

"Ma'am, my subordinate will accompany you."

"No need, there is no one else here, I can do it alone."

Feng Heng thought for a while, then nodded and said: "Then madam, be careful, this subordinate will wait for you at the door."


After Ling Tian answered, he went out and flew away.

It's not that she wants to abandon Feng Heng, but that Feng Heng doesn't know her identity yet, but just now when she was flipping through the "Dragon Ball" comics that Mu Hun brought from Earth at some point, the hair on her wrist Tong Tianyu was tugging for a while.It was as if something was calling her not far away.

She could feel that this was a call from her father.Just like the ban on opening the gate before.

So Ling Tian flew towards the calling place without hesitation.

This is a land of green mountains and green waters. On a high ground, a luxurious and magnificent tomb stands there.

Tomb of Muhun.

Four vigorous characters are engraved on the tombstone, and the entire tombstone is shrouded in two powerful restraints.

But when Ling Tian approached, the two barriers gave way in an instant, and Ling Tian walked in without any effort.

Inside the Clothes Tomb is a huge stone room, and the wall of the stone room records Muhun's life.

It is still that vigorous and powerful character.

Ling Tian had seen these words before, in Feizhou, and in the letters left by Uncle Ling.

This is his father's handwriting.

The furnishings in the stone room are very simple, except for the handwriting on the surrounding stone walls, there is only one table.

There is a jade box on the table, and there are two extremely powerful restrictions on the jade box.

But just like entering the Clothes Tomb, when Ling Tian picked up the jade box, the restrictions on it disappeared.

Inside the jade box are 20 large rings, a letter, and one... Dragon Ball.

Ling Tian opened the letter, the content inside was written by her father——

 Build the building, as of the deadline, the bottom 2, 5 and 7 floors are the winning readers.It is valid for disciples and above, and it is invalid for repeating this floor.

(End of this chapter)

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