Chapter 1002

The owner of this underground palace is the ancient divine beast Qinglong Muhun. This is the tomb set up for him by me and Emperor Beizhou.

Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu, the four great beasts, followed the Lord Fengqing to come here in ancient times, and established the Immortal Cultivation Continent, which is now known as the Hunyuan Continent.

Reluctantly, the demons from outside the region have taken a fancy to this land of cultivating immortals with strong aura, and tried their best to fight for the land, and even tried to exterminate the human beings here.

The four great beasts fought bloody battles with the lord Feng Qing, but due to the disparity in numbers, all of them fell.The responsibility of beheading the monsters outside the territory falls into our hands.

Anyone who can read this letter must be a direct descendant of my Dongzhou Continent or Beizhou Continent. There are a total of 20 space rings in the box, and a large number of spiritual stones and precious items are stored in it.If Wu and the Great Emperor Beizhou were no longer there at that time, please descendants to deliver these items to Qinglong's wife.

There is information about Muhun's wife in Dragon Ball, and it is rumored that his wife will come to the world soon.As long as spiritual power is injected into the period, Dragon Ball will lead the way.

If Muhun's wife has passed away, if you get this jade box, you can own the wealth inside.

However, if you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight.

All property can only be used to inherit the legacy of Qinglong, recruit soldiers and buy horses, and fight against foreign monsters, and must not be used for enjoyment.

Every space ring has been restricted. After leaving the underground palace, you only need to make an oath to the jade box, stating that you will definitely deliver the things to Qinglong's wife. If his wife dies, you will definitely use the things inside. To fight against foreign monsters, the space ring can be opened automatically.

Falling to the sky.

It was clearly two pieces of letter paper, but her father's words were written on one piece of paper.

Ling Tian looked curiously at another piece of letter paper, which said so.

Because brother Muhun is a dragon, he doesn't care about these worldly things. All the palaces he built are used to pile up comic books like "Dragon Ball".Apart from comic books, I don't have any other hobbies, and money is like dung.

So these treasures in the space ring were picked up by me and Emperor Dongzhou from the ground, trees, and mountains in the southeast forbidden area, and I asked the descendants to give them to his wife.

As a thank you, there are still some treasures that he discarded in the lake casually, let them be your travel expenses, and I will not pick them up again with Dongzhou Emperor. If the future generations are short of money, then the wealth in the lake is enough to support the rest of your life.

Of course, you have to rely on yourself to be a human being. I hope that after the future generations get this wealth, they can arrange and use it reasonably.

Wearing the Dragon Ball, you can feel the restriction set by Brother Muhun. In the restriction is the place where he used to pile up garbage (with ×× drawn on it) treasures.

In addition, the same things were placed in the imperial palaces of the four great empires of White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu. Their wealth was also used by future generations to drive out demons.

Luowei, Yao Yuanshuang.

Ling Tian saw black threads all over his head, and after putting away his things, he left the Clothes Tomb.

After all, it is a huge wealth. Although it is not needed now, it will always be useful in the future.I don't know where Xiao Chen'er went, so Ling Tian can only go to the forbidden side to remove all the things in the lake.

In order to save time, Ling Tian directly called out Flying Wolf.Under the fast flight of spirit beasts at the spirit level, it only took more than a cup of tea to arrive at the forbidden area mentioned in the letter.

(End of this chapter)

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