My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1007 Sayoko's Means

Chapter 1007 Sayoko's Means
"Saint, don't you care about the emperor? It's just like the emperor..."

As the prime minister was talking, he suddenly let out a scream and fell to the ground instantly.

Fortunately, people in this world, as long as they come out to mess around, are more or less spiritual, so even if they fall to the ground, they won't break a bone or something.

All the ministers were about to ask how the prime minister was doing, when suddenly, everyone screamed and fell to the ground.

All of a sudden, the whole hall was littered with ministers above the second rank.

Everyone has never tried such pain, and they simply cannot bear it.

Looking at the smiling Ye Chuchen on the throne, all the officials felt that he was a devil.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me!"

"Your Majesty, I hurt this humble minister to death, Your Majesty, please spare me!"

"Saint, help!"


In the main hall, there were begging for mercy one after another.

Seeing Huang Yi's scalp numb for a while.

However, she found that the pain of these ministers seemed to be lower than hers.She seems to be the worst one.

I am not satisfied.She felt that these people should suffer for a while longer.

"The emperor doesn't kill you to silence you, but just asking you to make the Thunder Tribulation Oath is already the biggest concession to you. Since you don't know each other, then wait to die of pain."

Huang Yi spoke coldly to the crowd, completely motivating the ministers.

At this moment, they even wondered if Huang Yi suddenly wanted Ye Chuchen to die, so they forced him to abdicate.

If the emperor and the saint have reached a consensus, do they still have a reason to object?
So some weak ministers shouted, "Your Majesty, I have to swear."

"Your Majesty, I want to swear an oath!"

After receiving Ye Chuchen's signal, Cui'er sniffed the things in her hands to the three people who spoke first.

The almost unbearable pain disappeared in an instant.

"Your Majesty, I have to say it too."

"The humble minister also swears!"

"No hurry, come one by one. After they finish swearing, you are swearing."

"But I can't stand it!"

"If you can't bear it, you can bear it! Who gave you a chance and you didn't grasp it?"

For these ministers, Ye Chuchen has no sympathy at all.

It's their luck that none of them died.

Originally, if her brother-in-law didn't leave, she would have to change the blood of the entire Azure Dragon Empire again.

"Master Wu, stop talking, let them swear, don't waste any more time!"

After the other ministers heard Ye Chuchen's words, they could not wait to kill the minister who wasted time.

"Okay, let's swear." Ye Chuchen said to the three trembling ministers below.

"Yes, I swear by Lei Jie that I will never reveal anything about the emperor."

"No, no, you should say, I xxx swear that I will never reveal anything about Ye Chuchen. If Ye Chuchen dies, I will be killed by the thunderstorm immediately. Start all over again."

The minister was obviously shocked by Ye Chuchen's words.

Who the hell knows when you will die?
"Your majesty, if you die because of other things... die, then my humble minister..."

"You have to die too."



"It seems that Mr. Wu hasn't made up his mind yet. The next one."

Almost as soon as Ye Chuchen's voice fell, that Master Wu who had already recovered began to ache again.

Once again feeling the pain that life would be worse than death, Master Wu surrendered.

(End of this chapter)

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