My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1008 Is it too cheap?

Chapter 1008 Is it too cheap?
"Your Majesty, I swear! I swear!"

"It's late, next one. Master Liu, do you want to swear?"

Seeing Master Wu's experience, although Master Liu was extremely resentful, he also knew that the current situation was stronger than others, so he could only nod his head quickly and said: "Yes, I will swear! I swear by my minister, Liu An, that Ye Chuchen's death will never be taken away." If anything is disclosed, if Ye Chuchen dies, I will be bombarded and killed by the thunder calamity immediately."


Thunder Tribulation was established.

The next minister also hurriedly made the Thunder Tribulation Oath.

Under the influence of the toxin, the ministers who did not want Ye Chuchen to abdicate before were all crying and begging for Ye Chuchen to listen to them make the thunder disaster oath.

Some people even couldn't help it, and before Ye Chuchen asked them to swear, they made the Thunder Tribulation Oath with pain.

Soon, there were more than 300 people, from the Marshal and Minister to the Deputy General and Cabinet Bachelor, and more than [-] people made the Thunder Tribulation Oath.

Afterwards, Ye Chuchen smiled and restored everyone to health.

The faces of the ministers were as dark as the bottom of a pot at the moment, and no one expected that this unremarkable piece of hob meat, which only knew money was greedy, would suddenly do this trick to them.

"Your Majesty, how dare you ask me what happened just now? What kind of means did the Emperor use against us?"

The Prime Minister, who had finally regained his breath, looked livid at the moment. He never thought that Ye Chuchen's hob meat would suddenly be picked, and he was so decisive.

But he was even more angry, what happened to his body in such pain just now?Will such problems arise in the future?

Compared with power status, everyone present still cherishes their own lives more.In case similar situations reappear frequently in the future, what should they do?
Ye Chuchen said with a smile: "Prime Minister, that's a good question, and I'm planning to talk about it with you.

Your body is poisoned by a poison developed exclusively by me, and only I can detoxify this poison.Of course, you can also go out and search for famous doctors quietly, and take medicines, but I can tell you very responsibly—it’s useless!
But don't worry, after I'm gone, I won't forget all my loves.I will send someone to deliver the antidote to the saint every six months, and then you will bring the antidote home.

At this time, someone must ask again, why did they bring the antidote home?
Well, that's a good question to ask.I would like to say that in the past few months as the emperor, it seems that he has never taken me seriously, let alone put me in his heart.So I think it's delicious. Did you make it?

In order to create a tall and superior image in everyone's eyes, I poisoned all of you on the second day of enthronement. "


The ministers below were pale and gasped.


I thought the poison had just been dropped.

Unexpectedly, this hob knife looks like a harmless rascal, but he is actually a real ruthless person.

He even poisoned them on the second day of his ascension to the throne.

"Do you still remember that within seven days after I ascended the throne, I gave gifts to your mansion one after another?"

All the ministers: "..."

"That's right, the combination of those gifts and certain things in your mansion is also poisonous. Of course, you can throw away all the things I rewarded you now, but...hehe, you understand."

Know the shit!
Oh shit!

This kid is really cheap, isn't he?
(End of this chapter)

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