Chapter 1010

All the ministers were shocked.

It's really a loss!

This hobbit loves money. In order to get promoted, they don't go through the back door of other ministers, they all go through the back door of the emperor.

In order to let the daughter of the family enter the palace, they paid a lot!
In order for their daughter to get a good ranking in the beauty pageant, they gave it again!

If you do something wrong, they will give it back!

I thought everything could be earned back.

Who knows, it's completely a meat bun beating a dog, there will be no return!
Can they make this hob meat pay back?

Heart hurts!
"Hey, I thought back on the half a year I've been emperor, and then I suddenly recalled that from the time I was enthroned to now, it seems that I haven't issued any policies or had any good opinions."

"..." Everyone was speechless.

You have, why not?

The morning time was changed by you, isn't it a good opinion?Because it takes a little more time to shit!Very good insight.

"Now that I'm leaving, I'm saying goodbye to you, so I'll give you two words before leaving. I hope you can carry it out."

Who the hell wants you to give me a farewell message?

What kind of ivory can you spit out from your dog's mouth?

"The reason why the Azure Dragon Empire is not as developed as the Divine Beast Dynasty is not because it is small, and it is not because it is under the jurisdiction of the Divine Beast Dynasty, so it should be inferior to the Divine Beast Dynasty, but because the transportation of the Azure Dragon Empire is not convenient.

Look at the Divine Beast Dynasty, there is a teleportation array in the divine religion alone, and there are more than a dozen teleportation arrays in the dynasty!But what about our Azure Dragon Empire?No!Not a single teleportation array!
The Azure Dragon Empire has no distinctive industries, no pillar enterprises and leading products. If the flow of people is even less, how can this country develop?

Ladies and gentlemen, if you want to get rich, build roads first.If you want to make a fortune, building roads is the first thing you need.After all, only when the roads are developed, there will be more people passing by, and those small sects will set up a sect here because of the convenient transportation here.

With more sects, there will naturally be more disciples.If there are more disciples, whether it is real estate, catering and entertainment, or alchemy, the surrounding industries will immediately follow suit.Taxation can be done accordingly.This is an industrial chain, and road construction is the top priority.So don't give up big benefits just because you lose a little bit of small profits. "

At first, I thought that this hob meat must be a dog's mouth that couldn't spit out ivory. I didn't know what to say to anger them, but who knew that I would say such profound and profound words.

All the officials present are from the second rank or above, which one is not a human being?Hearing Ye Chuchen's words, he suddenly realized, and thought of at least ten ways to get rich.

The heartache of being pitted by this hob meat with countless spirit stones was also smoothed out a lot at this moment.

"The second point: Everyone always wants me to have a harem and have more children. I think that the more children I have, the more pure-blooded offspring I can produce. I see that you are also very happy about having children. The more children you have, the more children you have. The more people there are, the more people will stand out.

But I want to say that people are more valuable than quality.Take you as an example, each of you is obviously rich, but why are you still full of a sense of crisis?What is the reason?
Isn't it just because there are too many children and grandchildren and too much pressure?Tell me, if you only have one or two sons and three or four grandchildren, would you be so tired? "

(End of this chapter)

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