Chapter 1011

"Raise one and give him all the resources. As long as he is not mentally retarded, why can't he get out? But you want to raise a thousand, even if the excellent ones can get better resources, but the resources can Compared with the resources obtained by a single seedling? What is the difference between giving birth like a locust?
Therefore, having fewer children and planting more trees can also protect the environment. "

Seeing that all the ministers were thinking about what she said, Ye Chuchen felt that she had done something beneficial to the country and the people for the original owner and the original owner's parents.

Finally, she stood up from the throne, and ruled the world for the last time, overlooking the few sentient beings in the hall, took out a pretentious folding fan from the space, and opened the fan with a "swish".

While reciting poems, he strolled down from the throne and headed for the gate of the main hall.

"The Peach Blossom Temple in Taohuawu, and the Peach Blossom Fairy in the Peach Blossom Temple. The Peach Blossom Fairy planted peach trees and picked flower branches as money for wine. Sober people only sit in front of the flowers, and drunk people have to sleep with the flowers. Day after day after the flowers, the wine Drunken sober year after year. I don’t want to bow before the chariots and horses. I hope to die of old age in the wine. Poverty is like a chariot and a horse, he has to drive me to have leisure. The world laughs at me for being crazy, but I laugh at the world for being unable to see through. I remember the tombs of heroes in Wuling, where there is no wine and no flowers to hoe the fields."

When Ye Chuchen's voice disappeared from the hall, she also completely disappeared from everyone's eyes.

All the ministers were shocked.

Is this really a poem made by their hob meat?

This poem and the previous poem "Who has no shit in life since ancient times, who doesn't use paper to shit? If you don't use paper to wipe shit, don't you use your fingers?" There is simply a difference of ten realms!
But if it wasn't for his poems, who made such shocking poems?Why have they never heard of it?
If he wasn't such an elegant and insightful person, how could he say "To get rich, build roads first, have fewer children and plant trees"?

In the shock of the ministers, Huang Yi first came back to his senses and sighed: "You have also seen the true face of the emperor."

When the ministers heard this, they took a deep breath.

What does the saint mean?Could it be that Ye Chuchen just now was the real Ye Chuchen?
"The emperor is an astonishingly talented genius. At a young age, he has reached the peak strength of the sixth-level Huang Lingsheng, which is stronger than everyone present. Therefore, our little Azure Dragon Empire cannot trap her. She is destined to fly higher and farther."

Huang Yi looked at the disappearing figure in front of him, feeling a lot of emotion in his heart.

Lingzun is her guard!Qinglong, the head of the four great beasts, is her husband!
Such a woman is destined to fly to the point where she can't see or touch, right?
Huang Yi admired such a strong man from the bottom of his heart.

"Hiss—" the officials gasped.

They believed what Huang Yi said.

So that hob meat gags all day, but turns out to be a strong man at the sixth level of Huang Lingsheng?
Just 16 years old, Huang Lingsheng sixth grade!
What concept?
So "the world laughs at me for being crazy, but I laugh at the world's inability to see through", is this his true portrayal?

The ministers who used to treat the emperor as a laughing stock and always liked to talk about it after dinner were really amazed by Ye Chuchen at this moment.

"Since everyone is here, let's elect a new emperor together. The emperor just made two suggestions before leaving, so I invite the three princes to share your views on these two suggestions in turn, and how to do it. Let’s develop the Azure Dragon Empire’s perspective.”

(Ask for a wave of monthly tickets and recommended tickets! It’s the beginning of the month)
 Gailou: As of the deadline, the 2nd, 5th, and 7th floors from bottom to top are the winning readers

(End of this chapter)

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