My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1018 I'm Excited

Chapter 1018 I'm Excited

So Xiao Tian'er was really cheated to death by his wife, right?

Could it be that he has to go to the Netherworld to bring back his little aunt?But bringing it back has to reshape the physical body, which is very troublesome!
Will Phoenix kill him?

Mu Hun sighed, quickly raised his figure, hugged Ye Chuchen by the waist, and flew towards the courtyard quickly.

"Miss, don't be too sad. Husband has a way to enter the Netherworld, so that we can bring Xiao Tian'er's soul back."

Feeling the trembling of the lady's tender body, Mu Hun hurriedly comforted her in distress.

In the early morning of the night, the little bird snuggled up to Mu Hun's arms, but she freed up a hand and slapped Mu Hun's head with a "slap".

Mu Hun: "..." Why did you hit him again?
"What's the soul? It made you shut up like a crow! Didn't everyone say that Xiao Tian'er is an onmyoji, and ghosts can only be miserable when they meet her? Why don't you understand?"

"But in that yard, there is no..." Before Xiao Tian'er could say a few words about his breath, Mu Hun's figure froze instantly.

He... seemed to feel Xiao Tian'er's breath again.

Although it was only a little bit, as the black fog in the courtyard dissipated, Ling Tian's aura became more and more intense.

Mu Hun exhaled secretly, and blamed him a little: "Lady, since you know that Xiao Tian'er will not die, then what were you afraid of just now?"

"Afraid? Is there anything in this world that my wife should be afraid of? Tch!"

"But when you heard me say that it was Lingzun who attacked Xiao Tian'er, why did you go berserk immediately? You were trembling."

"The trembling is because I'm excited, right? If the soul attacking Xiao Tian'er is really a spiritual master, then Xiao Tian'er will make a lot of money! Xiao Tian'er's younger brother is my younger brother, and I have another spiritual master to do it." Little brother, what the hell is the Peak Spiritual Venerable, isn't it worth getting excited about?"

"..." The younger brother is the younger brother, why do you say "again", does his wife count him in?
"Lady, why did the Spirit Venerable attack Xiao Tian'er, and he became Xiao Tian'er's younger brother?"

"It is said that Xiao Tian'er is an onmyoji! And she is also an onmyoji with serious bad tastes. In the past on Earth, she didn't like to keep pets, and she specialized in raising ghosts! Those ghosts that she stared at, without exception, became ghosts. Her little brother. Let's go, let's go and see what the hell is that newly joined Lingzun little brother."

Mu Hun: "...!!"

Who can tell him, what kind of profession is an onmyoji?Why had he only heard of alchemy masters, weapon refiners, Taoist talisman masters, and inscription masters before?When did Onmyoji appear in this continent again?
As the black mist dissipated, Feng Heng also felt Ling Tian's breath again.The nerves that had already collapsed tensed up again in an instant, and with a "whoosh" he rushed from the air to the bottom.

It was dark below, and it was still shrouded in that chilly atmosphere.With a wave of Feng Heng's sleeve, a majestic spiritual power gushed out from the sleeve.

The black mist was quickly dispelled, and the small courtyard regained its vitality just now.

Ling Tian still stood where he was before, without moving a step.

Xiao Yu still stood behind Wang Qi, protecting him.

Wang Qi, however, was not affected in the slightest, and still closed his eyes tightly, devoting his whole mind to the promotion of taking the ten thousand-year stalactite.

"Ma'am, you..."

Feng Heng was shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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