My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1019 The Nether Lord Is Trapped

Chapter 1019 The Nether Lord Is Trapped
Such a devastating attack, not to mention Ling Tian, ​​a mid-level Huang Lingsheng warrior, even a Spirit Venerable like him can't withstand the opponent's blow!

To be on the safe side, he set up a protective shield before, but it was easily destroyed by the other party in an instant. He didn't understand why Ling Tian and Xiao Yu would stand here unscathed.

"A plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain." Ling Tian said.

"Yes, this subordinate knows his mistake, and he will definitely not make such a low-level mistake again in the future."

"Huh?" Ling Tian came back to his senses, looked at Feng Heng and said, "I didn't mention you."

"Madam doesn't talk about subordinates, it's Madam's tolerance, but this subordinate really knows his mistake. I will never make this kind of mistake again in the future, please trust me, Madam. When I go back this time, I will also plead guilty to the Palace Master of."

"..." I wasn't even talking to you!
Ling Tian didn't have time to talk to Feng Heng, and now she wanted to know who was attacking her.

To be honest, this was the scariest attack she had ever felt.

Even the Shangguan Fu and Sima Cheng that Di Wuhen carried at that time did not have such a terrifying coercion.

"You'd better come out, you can't hide!"

After hearing Ling Tian's words, Feng Heng realized that Ling Tian was talking to the enemy. He was startled, and immediately opened up his consciousness and looked around.

However, the surroundings were peaceful, and there was not even the slightest fluctuation of spiritual power.

Letting out a breath, I let my heart down.Looking at Ling Tian, ​​he was about to tell her that from the moment the black mist began to dissipate, he could no longer feel the other party's breath.

However, before the words were spoken, Ling Tian spoke again.

"They say you can't run away. Young Master, I'll count one, two, three, and you immediately roll over and explain the reason, and apologize to Young Master. Young Master, I am sympathetic and merciful. Generally, I will not kill innocent people indiscriminately."

Feng Heng: "..." Was Madam crazy from being frightened by the blow just now?
However, where Feng Heng couldn't see, just above his head, a huge butterfly was fluttering, and below it, the entire courtyard that had been shrouded in black air just now had already been shrouded in a golden color that ordinary people could not see with naked eyes. Under the cage.

Quan Moying's mind was shaken at this moment, and his internal organs were almost shattered by fright. He adjusted his breath to the weakest state, trying to escape from the gap in the cage.

However, he had just flown to the edge of the cage, clearly before he touched the golden cage, a golden light hit him, directly knocking him upside down and flying him out, even his spirit dissipated for a while.


Quan Moying cursed, and quickly fled from the other side.Just as he was about to break free from the shackles of the scenery cage, a golden light flashed and knocked him into the air again.

"Damn!" Quan Moying cursed again.

Looking at the incomparably huge golden cage, he found that it would be impossible to break through the cage if he didn't burst out all his breath.

Although it is very likely that Qinglong will find out if he bursts out his breath at this moment, and he will smash it on the spot and force him to tear him down, but he can't control that much anymore.

Who would have thought that when Quan Moying was trying to suddenly grow bigger, trying to tear apart the void——


The figure that had just swelled a little bit suddenly made a sound of a valve leaking, and then the figure that had just doubled in size suddenly shrunk down like a discouragement, shrinking even smaller than the body just now.

(End of this chapter)

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