Chapter 1020
And after his body shrunk, the spiritual power in his whole body disappeared instantly, and his whole person became extremely small and powerless.

Let alone tearing the void at this moment, even if he and that weird woman Ling Tian fight with spiritual power, he can't beat her.

How could this be?
What about his spiritual power?Where did his spiritual power go?

Quan Moying was rampaging in this golden cage, but she couldn't escape, and Ling Tian's voice also sounded like a demon from hell at this moment.

Master? !
This damned woman dared to call herself a young master in front of him!
She also threatened to tell him to roll over!
Did she even know who she was talking to?

Quan Moying was furious, knowing that there was no hope for her to break through the cage, so she could only burst out with strength, and flew towards Ling Tian with a "whoosh".

Looking down at Ling Tian, ​​she said furiously, "You ignorant woman, what have you done to this deity? Do you know the identity of this deity?! Immediately restore the strength of this deity, otherwise I have ten thousand ways to make you live every minute. Don't go down!"

However, when he really said that magnificent sentence, the sound he made was like this——


Especially the "meow" at the back, it was clearly a sentence showing his majestic temperament, a sentence condescending to intimidate the other party, but being "meowed", it actually carried a hint of coquettishness.

When Quan Moying heard what he said, it seemed that he had suddenly suffered a critical blow of [-] points, and one couldn't bear it, and fell directly from the air to the ground.

Quan Moying, who fell on the ground, had no time to talk to Ling Tian, ​​so he quickly took advantage of the moonlight to look at the ground.

The shadow on the ground, except for a few people standing opposite, is only his small shadow.

This shadow is only a few tenths the size of the opponent's shadow, and behind his buttocks, there is a long, fluffy... tail! ! !
"Ah, where did this kitten come from! Can kittens also become monsters? No wonder they are so cute!"

Quan Moying was stunned by her own shadow, and before she could run away violently, Feng Heng held his stomach with a big rough hand and hugged him.

Don't look at Feng Heng as a rough guy, but like Ling Tian, ​​he is born to be a fluffy person.

One moment he was carefully helping Ling Tian find the enemy's trace, but the next moment he was completely confused by the beautiful cat in front of him.Without thinking about it, he stretched out his sinful hand, picked up the cat from the ground, held it in his arms, and rubbed it while touching it.

Without clothes, my body is still being rubbed by a pervert's hand. Quan Moying, who has always been obsessed with cleanliness, was so shocked that the cat's fur exploded instantly, and goosebumps all over her body kept going out risk.


However, after cursing for a long time, all he uttered in the end was an extended version of "喵——~"

This "meow", tender and soft, is exactly the pet's coquettish sound when it comes to the owner's arms.

Not to mention that the other party would misunderstand, even Quan Moying herself couldn't help getting goose bumps all over her body after hearing her cute voice that broke the sky, and even the fur of the cat exploded.

"You kitty, you really like to act like a baby!"

Feng Heng couldn't understand Quan Moying's roar at all, so he smiled and rubbed his fluffy cat's head.

(End of this chapter)

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