Chapter 1029
"However, the four paws are as red as flames, as if wearing shoes. Is this the difference between a unicorn and a cat?"

Ye Chuchen: "..."

Ling Tian: "Master Feng, this hair can also be dyed."

Feng Heng: "But which cat would run to blow hair and dye its hair? This must be the difference between cats and unicorns."

"So, cats are white, and Qilin is just a white cat with hair dyed and blown over its head? Why is a cat with hair blown and dyed its hair a mythical beast?" Ling Tian was confused.

Whether it's her Fenghuang or Xiaochen'er's Qinglong, they are all awesome. Well, this Qilin looks too weak.

Quan Moying: "...!!" Grass, these soil turtles!I'm really angry, what should I do?
"The Qilin is not like this, and I don't know why it became like this." Mu Hun said.

"Hey, are you really a Qilin?" Ye Chuchen asked curiously.

"Hmph! Humble ants, look again, do you believe that I have dug out your tricks?" Facing this group of people who were not afraid of his coercion at all, Quan Moying was furious.

"Pa--" another burst of chestnuts.

"Mu Hun, are you finished? You can try playing this deity again!"

"Pa--" hit again.


"My wife is asking you something, you answer it quickly!"

"Damn it! Don't bully the few with the number of people! Mu Hun, you know how many souls I have in the Nether Realm. Now that you seal the deity and put the deity under house arrest, the people in the Nether Realm will never let it go!"


"Why are you beating me again?" Quan Moying shouted violently.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? My lady asks you, why is a good unicorn turned into a cat now? Just answer it. If you answer well, why would I beat you? If you don't answer, you still scold me Wife, threaten my wife, do you think you should be beaten?"


So angry!
Quan Moying was half-dead by Mu Hun's anger, and said furiously: "How does this deity know? This deity also wants to know why this deity turned into a cat! Why? Why did this deity turn into a cat? You vicious woman, What did you do to the deity?"

Ling Tian was taken aback for a moment, and then he came to his senses, and suddenly realized: "I understand!"

"Little Tian'er, what do you understand?"

"Kirin was originally a feline animal. I sealed its energy. It lost the excess energy and became a cat animal itself. So Qilin is actually a cat that has cultivated to become a fairy!"

Ye Chuchen: "Really?"

Ling Tian: "Yes."

Feng Heng: "Today, my subordinates have gained more knowledge."

Mu Hun: "...!!"

Quan Moying: "You are the cat! Your whole family is all cats!"

These people really pissed him off.

Can you focus on the key points?
Since everyone already knew that he was the lord of the Netherworld, why didn't they let him go?It's too much!
"It turns out that the lord of the Netherworld is a cat! Xiao Tianer, I told you that you can be the lord of the Netherworld to rule the Netherland, but you still refuse. You see, even a cat with dyed fur has such great ambitions." , you are a living beauty, what can't you do? Let's just go and dominate the Netherworld!"


It's natural, right?Said it was dyed hair!

Quan Moying was furious, and finally couldn't bear the words that were so angry that people would not pay for his life, spat out a mouthful of blood, and passed out.

It's not that he's too narrow-minded, it's just that this group of people are deceiving too much!

(End of this chapter)

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