Chapter 1030 Escape
Quan Moying woke up again, he would rather have just had a nightmare.

But when he opened his eyes, raised his hand, and saw that furry claw, he knew that he was still in a nightmare.

But the next moment when he saw that there was no one around, he was overjoyed.

That female devil is not here!
It's not that he's not there, but he's in another room.At this moment, they were on the flying boat, so this woman thought that if she locked it in another room of the flying boat without spiritual power, there would be no way for him to leave!
How ignorant!

Quan Moying's thoughts changed, and the soul power fluctuated rapidly.

Soon, a sharp claw appeared in the void of the room, and the entire space was easily torn apart like a plastic bag. The next moment, the three of them, Dragon Curse, Dragon Xiang, and Dragon Seal, squeezed into the flying boat one after another. The lord who killed a cat cried his heart out with the sound of his soul.

"Damn, cry a fart! Hurry up and take this deity away!"

"But my lord, haven't you already been sealed and signed a blood contract with that woman? Even if we take you away, you will be summoned back by her, right?"

"Order a fart! I haven't felt even the slightest involvement with her so far. She said she made a blood contract and concluded it?"

"But you have no spiritual power now, so we left like this..."

"The seal in the deity's body will be lifted when he returns to the Netherworld. The most urgent thing now is to leave quickly!"

"Yes yes yes!" The three brothers of the Long family hurriedly nodded and bowed in response.

Long Curse quickly reached out and tried to pick up the cat.

"Get out! Don't touch this deity with your dirty hands!"


After the three of them answered in unison, they turned and left.

"Come back!" The three stopped immediately.

"I have no strength, I can't walk! Take me with you."


Seeing that Long Xiang stretched out his hand to lift his neck.

Quan Moying remembered that all the people in that group lifted his neck yesterday, and instantly became furious, and roared, "Don't lift my neck!"


I can't hug or lift my neck, so what should I do?
As soon as Long Yin's eyes lit up, he reached out and grabbed Quan Moying's tail.Before Quan Moying had time to Biao Gaoyin, with a light lift, he was lifted upside down by the golden hook.

Then the three of them quickly pierced through the void with their master, and returned to the Netherworld immediately.

Outside the door, Mu Hun blinked his eyes: "My lady, Xiao Tianer, that cat was rescued."

Ye Chuchen nestled on the chair while eating melon seeds, and said, "It's okay, I just want him to go. If he doesn't go, how can I know how close I am to Xiao Tian'er now?"

"Hey, don't talk nonsense, I'm a woman with a man!" Ling Tian suggested.

"But he's a cat!"

Ling Tian: "..."

The outskirts of the imperial city in the nether world.

Three tall and burly figures suddenly appeared with a cat in their hands.

Looking at the souls walking down the mountain, after confirming that they had returned to the Netherworld, the three brothers of the Long family's feet softened and fell to the ground one after another.

"Scared me!"

"I was scared to death too!"

"That woman is really terrifying! She clearly only has the strength of Huang Lingsheng, but she can do whatever she wants with the soul of the peak Lingzun."

"I never want to see this woman again in my life."

The three Long family brothers said a lot with lingering fear, and then looked at the cat beside them.

(End of this chapter)

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