My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1031 Warmly celebrate the return of the adults

Chapter 1031 Warmly celebrate the return of adults
He cupped his fists and said, "My lord, luckily the three of us did not disgrace our lives, and finally rescued you!"

Seeing the three people asking for credit in front of him, Quan Moying was furious.

"A group of mentally retarded people, now you know how to ask for credit? Where did you go last night? Damn it, the three majestic masters of the seventh level of Lingzun, the guardians of this deity, watched the deity suffer, and hid in the gap in the space to kill the deity. Never mind! When the deity was humiliated and trampled on last night, why didn't you come to save the deity?

If the deity hadn't summoned you with soul power today, would you have planned to surrender to Cheng Shitian, recognize him as the master, and never care about the deity?How could this deity have you three useless subordinates? "

The three of them had bitter faces.

"You are wronged, my lord!"

"Our loyalty can be learned from the sun and the moon!"

"Heaven and earth conscience, the three of us brothers couldn't sleep last night, and we spent the whole night discussing the plan to rescue the lord."

"Get out! A bunch of hindsight!" Quan Moying snorted angrily.

"Huh? My lord, how did you regain your human form?" Long Curse asked with his eyes widened.

"Hey! Really!" Another person echoed.

Quan Moying was startled, only to realize that not only had he regained his human form, but even his strength had fully recovered.

Feeling the surging spiritual power all over her body, Quan Moying's lips suddenly smiled, and then the smile deepened, and finally, she couldn't help laughing out loud.

"This deity thought that the 'Loyal Ghost Talisman' that the vicious woman had been developing for 7 years was so powerful, but it turned out to be nothing more than that! Hahahaha...

He also said that the power of the deity was sealed, and as a result, as long as the deity was away from her, the strength would immediately return to its original state.The deity was still thinking about how to dissolve the seal in his body, but it turned out to be so easy. "

"Congratulations, Lord Lord!"

"Lord Hexi!"

"The Lord is mighty!"

Originally, these three sycophants were not pleasing to the eye, but at this moment, they were inexplicably pleasing to the eye again.

"Hmph, that vicious woman must be furious right now."

"Not bad! I really want to see how irritable she is now."

"It's so stupid, I've never seen her so stupid and careless! If you capture the lord of the Netherworld, you can directly order all the souls in the Netherworld. How amazing is this that you can change your life What a big deal! This stupid woman actually left the lord alone in the room."

"It's so stupid to let go of such a great blackmail opportunity for nothing!"

Quan Moying circulated the spiritual power in his body, and with just a slight movement, the surrounding spiritual power rushed towards his body immediately.

At this moment, he felt that he could kill everyone who insulted him yesterday in an instant.

"Devil head, although I can't do anything about you, I will get back from your friends one by one the insults you have done to me. I will let you know the fate of offending me! I will make you feel heartbroken! You Wait!"

"My lord, the Star Picking Tower has opened. The fish there are so delicious that I cry! Let's go to the Star Picking Tower to eat fish, and warmly celebrate the Lord Lord's return!"

"Open?" Quan Moying's eyes lit up, and after saying a word, he became furious again.

"You three evil slaves! The deity has been kidnapped, and you are still in the mood to go to the Star Tower to eat fish! Why don't you die?"

(End of this chapter)

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